
joined 1 month ago
[–] 3 points 1 week ago

"Dumbfication" of songs is part of the reason I started listening a lot to rock. Quite a few rock bands seem to at least try to make something thoughtful.

But also been finding some musics outside of this niche too. Like, after some 10 years, I found again a music I quite enjoyed back then, Stromae's "House'Llelujah". I don't speak French so figuring the lyrics out is hard, but for this "DJ" type of music, besides the rhythm, it also appears to have a more thought out lyrics.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I prefer psychological horror over jumpscares by a long shot, so my recommendations are a bit slower than what people may recommend, but if it strikes your and your wife's fancy, here are them:
Dreaming Sarah, Wishing Sarah, Tanglewood, Parasite Eve, Wake Up (by Philosophic Games), UNLOVED, The Corruption Within.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

To my knowledge, besides the newest updates not necessarily being as stable, but also, other softwares that interact with it would need time to adapt themselves to be sure they're as compatible as they were before. In a situation of constant updates, other software would always be on a situation of catching up, whereas updates that take a bit longer to land allow "for the dust to set down".

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

About gaming, from my personal experience, it's overall pretty straight forward. When issues happen, you just got to have patience to read through logs and search up on Google or similar any suspicious parts of the log. Worst part is usually DRM/anticheat, but from what I can gather, usually pretty isolated cases are problematic due to compatibility, usually requiring the devs to go out of their ways to make the DRM incompatible.

As for the distros question, perhaps Linux Mint? It trades off bleeding edge updates for the sake of stability. Just avoid the Debian-based variant of Mint for now as it's still in beta.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I usually try to stick to languages I'm learning, which now it'd be Japanese and Norwegian. But likewise, if it starts becoming too hard for me, in my case usually due to mental fatigue, I look for a version in languages I'm more comfortable with.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Just remembered Ublock Origin filters also work nice with fediverse sites, although I would prefer to completely purge posts with links I avoid.

But for those curious, here's an example filter I just cooked:[class="fst-italic link-dark link-opacity-75 link-opacity-100-hover"]:has-text(here_goes_the_domain_as_displayed_under_the_post_title):upward(div[class="post-listing mt-2"])

So as an hypothetical example, if for some reason I have a problem with the instance, I could make this:[class="fst-italic link-dark link-opacity-75 link-opacity-100-hover"]:has-text([class="post-listing mt-2"])

And it ends up looking like this:
Filter active on the left, and not active on the right.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Look for games that are sold DRM free. Those can't be taken from you by devs or the store after backed up. And usually devs and/or stores that deliberately sell such games also make it clear people can keep their games.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Hei! Jeg er å lære norsk. (forhåpentligvis gjør jeg ikke mange feil...) Og siden skriftlig norsk og dansk er veldig likt, kan jeg tenke dansk er også likt skriftlig engelsk. Men ikke tro at det er en 1:1-konvertering. "<.<

Lykke til med studiet!


From the official announcement post:

Hey everyone! As much as I hate posting such information, we have an upcoming delisting.

Per the publisher's request both The Suffering ( and The Suffering: Ties That Bind ( will leave our store on September 1st (no exact hour yet).

Grab the game before that if you're interested. And as always, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


From yesterday's post on X/Twitter:

Last day to get the Student Project #Symphonia on @GOGcom ! After more than 3 years of availability, it will be taken down tomorrow at 3pm CEST.

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