[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 70 points 4 weeks ago

Private equity will suck as much money out of the company as they can until it starts to fail and then they’ll sell it. Firing employees and making others do their work for no extra pay, if you have patents they’ll sell those, close facilities and force everyone into smaller spaces… literally nothing is off limits. Idk how much is publicly available, but if it is you can look at Avaya for an example. Went from being literally the biggest supplier of phones in the world with the majority of patents on applications for telecom technology to going bankrupt and having to restructure. They’re now on a single floor in a shitty building and most work has been outsourced.

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 94 points 1 month ago

Restrictions on “politics” always and forever mean restrictions on heterodox political positions, while allowing orthodox views.

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 80 points 1 month ago

This is rather old news, predating Neuralink entirely even. There used to be an unlisted YouTube video by Gray(Grey?) Newell that showed off what they were working on back a few years ago, too.

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 52 points 1 month ago

Great man theory in action. It’s not Netanyahu. He’s a symptom of the wider bigotry in Israeli society. Read South Africa’s complaint to the ICJ. Many, many, many members of their government are in full support of this genocide. Even the citizenry majority support the “war”, they’re just mad the hostages haven’t been returned yet.

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 53 points 2 months ago

God I fucking love this site. Y’all rock.

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 90 points 2 months ago

A brand new multi thousand dollar video camera that my pops had saved up for. I disassembled it entirely, just trying to figure out how it worked. He wasn’t even mad at me. I grew up and now can fix just about any electronic down to the component level. I like to think he saw the curiosity in me and was more proud than anything.

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 47 points 2 months ago

Yep, they learned that higher tuitions had a chilling effect on protests, and it worked damn well for a long time.

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 49 points 2 months ago

Because they’re comfortable living under fascism.

The concentration camp was never the normal condition for the average gentile German. Unless one were Jewish, or poor and unemployed, or of active leftist persuasion or otherwise openly anti-Nazi, Germany from 1933 until well into the war was not a nightmarish place. All the “good Germans” had to do was obey the law, pay their taxes, give their sons to the army, avoid any sign of political heterodoxy, and look the other way when unions were busted and troublesome people disappeared.

Since many “middle Americans” already obey the law, pay their taxes, give their sons to the army, are themselves distrustful of political heterodoxy, and applaud when unions are broken and troublesome people are disposed of, they probably could live without too much personal torment in a fascist state — some of them certainly seem eager to do so.

- Michael Parenti. (1996). Fascism in a Pinstriped Suit

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 79 points 3 months ago

He also thinks it’ll be 5 years until we’re at war. I told him I give it 2 max. Lmaooo

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 46 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Man, I just don’t get how that many people would like coke. It’s a shitty high, that doesn’t last nearly long enough, that has massive implications for your long term health, and it costs way too much for what you get. $50 of weed = enough for a week+. $50 of coke = maybe 30m if you’re not sharing. I’m glad I never really got it, it’s too much of a rich persons drug for me to have ever been able to service an addiction to it.

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 64 points 9 months ago

It also shuts down the WIC program, which helps ensure food security for 7,000,000 women and children.

[-] Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml 102 points 9 months ago

Lightning was significantly ahead of the competition when it came out in 2012. Micro-USB is a terrible collection of ports. C came out two years later though, and quickly surpassed Lightning in almost every way.

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