There are lots of parasitic bugs in this story, including Elon Musk

We're at the "demonization of being left-handed" stage of understanding.

Yes you appear to be left handed but couldn't you simply train to use your right hand? You and all the left handed people should work on that

SNES purchased by my parents in 1992.

An old blade server I was able to take from my very first job, state of the art for the time it was made around 2002. It's still running and I've been using it as a media and hosting server for years despite how out of date the specs are now.

My mother told me that she hated me. After a really dumb argument we had, as adults. I still talk to her and play nice in front of our siblings but I haven't forgiven her and I don't think I ever will. I lost a lot of love for my mother in a single day and then nothing anyone has said to me since has ever matched or beaten that feeling. How do you trump your own mother hating you? She moved on like she never said it. No apologies. Never mentioned it. You can call me every name and slur and hang me for all my fuckups and oddities, but you can't hurt me. I'm already at 0 HP emotionally

Seeing my friends.

Cool rocks.

New video games coming out soon (Tekken 8!)

Finding new pretty things to wear.

Baking treats.

Having a whole day to myself with no interruptions to do what I like.

Complaining about AI in all the wrong ways to complain about AI. AI is definitely a poor substitute for actually well thought out feature implementations. But it has nothing to do with why your iPhone sucks to navigate on.

Just here to point out that UK schools have also illegally forbidden some students from wearing afro hairstyles. In that case and this one, it's against the law. The hope is that this treatment will not continue in both cases. We don't need to resort to playing the suffering Olympics or whose country is worse pissing contests

Oh boy here I go striking again

[-] 28 points 10 months ago

I don't have a more polite way of putting this, and as a woman I just can't sympathize.

She fucked around and found out.

What was she expecting? I'm going to snoop into my boyfriend's most intimate moments with their ex, unprompted, and... THEN WHAT? CRY ABOUT IT? Your girlfriend is a dumbass. She hurts herself and then she takes it out on you? Not a single bit of this is your fault. If she's giving you grief, ignore her or exit the relationship if she can't get over it. Holy fuck I'm annoyed by this story.

[-] 11 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Quite literally you are your brain, trying to account for the entire body and mind as the self simultaneously. But you may catch yourself thinking or saying things like "I can't wrap my brain around this." Isn't that odd? Your brain refers to itself as my brain. Is that a linguistic issue or is your sense of perspective off?

"Don't you have a heart?" Why do we imply that our sense of compassion is only located in an organ that just pumps blood? That clearly can't be the case.

We know cases where someone gets a brain tumor and suddenly becomes violent or unfeeling. When the brain is damaged either during life or during gestation, we know that we can lose all manner of things: cognition, motor skills, memory, emotions, etc. It's all the brain.

What confuses the issue is everything the brain is attached to. What I think all conscious humans do is try to make sense of the mind-body connection. I feel tired, that's not just my brain feeling tired. I can feel tired in every single part of my body independently or all together. "I" am the brain. If I lose an arm, I don't lose my sense of self. But losing important functions can damage the self I've constructed of myself. If I lose my eyesight I will be a very different person when I'm unable to visually enjoy video games, movies, art, nature. But clearly blind people still have a self. If it sits behind their eyes, will it move? Adapt to their ears?

All this to say, your self is self constructed. It's malleable. But make no mistake that the source of where self and consciousness are maintained is the brain.

[-] 13 points 11 months ago

I (almost) never make any plans. I travel to the city, and then I decide what to do on the spot. Whatever I happen to be in the mood for. Most places I visit have something I want to see already and I don't have to plan for it. And if there are night life activities, I'm checking them out. No rules. No itinerary. Just spontaneous adventure.

[-] 23 points 11 months ago

Reddit has pretty large open source and piracy communities. I've been a "super user" of computers and tech in general and got great resources to manage my systems at home. I'll link some of my favorite tools.

Big batch of scripts to clean your computer of bloatware and viruses:

A much better Windows search:

Adblocking for your entire home network:

Create bootable USB drives:

Disk usage viewer, helps me clean up my hard drive space every so often:

Notepad++ or Sublime Text for better notepad alternatives

And so much more. I could have probably found them without reddit if I were in like IT and Tech forums, but I was on Reddit

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joined 1 year ago