
joined 7 months ago
[–] 1 points 6 months ago

It depends. If you know you have issues, aren't dealing with or handling them to your satisfaction and want help? Absolutely. Therapy, treatment and proper medication generally require an official diagnosis, not to mention potentially being cheaper when you don't have to pay for all of it yourself. If you know you have issues, but have also developed effective coping mechanisms on your own and negative effects on your life are overall rare, I think it's fine to keep going undiagnosed, as long as you're mindful of your problems and how they affect the people around you.

Couple examples from my own life. I knew I was depressed. My friends knew I was depressed. I thought I was handling it okay, but I really wasn't. So I got a diagnosis, so I could get medication and therapy, that allowed me to build coping mechanisms to hold it at bay. I'm also fairly sure I'm somewhere on the autism spectrum. Where, exactly, doesn't matter, since I can manage life and socializing just fine, I simply have to think twice about what I say. And when I'm not sure of myself, I have trusted friends to go to for a second opinion. And then there's the undiagnosed face blindness. A diagnosis won't help at all, since there's to treatment or medication. I had built workarounds without knowing I was doing it, years before I found out face blindness was even a thing

In the end, if you're unsure, you can't go wrong with getting a diagnosis. If nothing else, it will at least tell you more about yourself and serve as a guideline for how you manage your issues.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago

It's more an issue of how you'll get the second stage to survive re-entry at orbital velocity. Which the current F9 upper stage can't pull off, seeing how it doesn't have heat shields. Bolting heat shields on it probably isn't happening, the added mass would cut into payload capacity too much.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

First off...

So I have no idea how you can pretend that you are doing them a service by actauly actively stopping them from making their own choice to go where they can for search of better life.

Now, perhaps it's creative interpretation on my part, but it came across as you implying I'm arguing for their best interests. Apologies, if that's not the case.

Secondly, whether you like it or not, there's more to consider than the lives of these refugees or any that would follow. National security and the security of the Schengen zone. The very likely tensions and conflicts between the refugees already housed here and the newly arrived Russians. I assure you, when emotions run high, it won't matter if everyone involved are innocent civilians. And our own history of Russia attempting to use the local Russian population as a weapon. That was under Putin's rule, I don't find it unreasonable to think he'd do it again.

And finally, I'm not letting you ignore the inconvenient fact that we don't have the resources. It may not have been the point of the article, but it's most definitely a factor in the decision. Because the reality is that these people would need help, because practically everyone who was rich enough to snag plane tickets, or had VISAs, and wanted to leave has already left. They did that over the first year of the war. These people need housing, food and healthcare, none of which they can provide for themselves. The reality is that if we let them in, we have a sharp spike in homelessness. Soon after, a spike in people needing healthcare. Around the same time, a rise in crime, as some of the refugees are unwilling or unable to get jobs. Followed by another spike in people needing healthcare. And during all that, families freezing to death in the streets. But I suppose all of that is fine if they're searching for a better life, yes?

Just out of curiosity, where are you from?

[–] 2 points 7 months ago (3 children)

You'll note that at no point did I claim that turning them away is in their best interests. I'd appreciate it if you stopped telling me what I said.

And yes, forbidding them passage through the country is what "closing the borders" means. Very astute of you. Not like they'd get to go anywhere anyway, seeing how they have neither a Schengen VISA nor a EU passport. So all those masses would be ours to deal with. Again, we don't have the resources to do that. It's a point you seem intent on ignoring.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago (5 children)

And how can someone so unfamiliar with the situation preach, with such conviction, to the uneducated and clearly right-wing xenophobic untermenschen who actually have to deal with it?

You speak as though we're closing the borders with a giant "fuck you" to the people on the other side. We can't help them. Can't. Not won't, but can't. We don't have the resources to help them. You can talk about the EU being rich as fuck all day, but the reality on the ground is that we have nothing left to give to help these people, because all that wealth isn't here. We're stretched thin as it is.

You ever heard the saying "Don't light yourself on fire to keep someone else warm"? Because that's what you're proposing.

[–] 5 points 7 months ago (7 children)

You are clearly unfamiliar with Estonian winters. The days are below freezing, often in double digits. Anyone not sheltered will freeze to death. And where, pray tell, would we shelter them? Refugee shelters? Full of Ukrainians. Hotels are full of Ukrainians. There's a Ukrainian family living across the street from me, because a call went out for private residences to house Ukrainian refugees and my neighbor took his family and moved in with his parents. There's nowhere left.

But please, continue to tell me how we're not doing enough by giving all the help we had to give to the first victims of this war.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Not "no PvP" servers. Single crew servers. Only you and your crew. Those have been live since December, but they're quite heavily limited. Can't use captained ships, can't progress the trading companies past 40 and you get only 30% of the base treasure value. Still, not having to deal with some jerkwad thinking their fun entitles them to ruin my fun more than makes up for that for me.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Whatever is powering the ship they arrive in puts out more energy than a nuke and that thing would be running for far longer than an explosion. They're not gonna give a shit about the nuke. At best, you'll singe the hull, assuming point defense doesn't blast your piddly little bomb out of the sky first.

[–] 17 points 7 months ago (2 children)

This is what happens when Zura isn't around to contain her!

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Right you are. I have fallen to the sway of various evils so many times that I get them mixed up.

[–] 64 points 7 months ago (9 children)

Showing my age here, but the OGs of Doom, Mortal Kombat and GTA turned all the millennial gamers into murderous sociopaths who can't tell the difference between video games and reality. That's after Dungeons & Dragons turned us into murderous sociopaths who can't tell the difference between board games and reality. If I recall correctly, the hoopla around all of that made national news in the States.

[–] 8 points 7 months ago

That's not an inevitability of life, that's just severe depression, my guy. Get help.

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