[-] Black_Mald_Futures@hexbear.net 2 points 4 minutes ago

there's a few of mine that always give me a good laugh

[-] Black_Mald_Futures@hexbear.net 2 points 7 minutes ago* (last edited 6 minutes ago)

Ah yeah let me know how it goes if you do have time, also if you have any thoughts on a sauce to go with the marinated protein (although I might not have time to do anything, this music festival thing really sucks, I hate feeding so many people)

Let me know your thoughts lol

I still think it's wild that I just learned that Samaritanism is a thing, an abrahamic religion even, that split with the Jews well before the Christians but originally, yeah, same religion. I was reading about the Druze the other day too. It's crazy how many religions there are, i literally do not know how a person decides to believe in one

They say white people can't dance but I seem to have a genetic predisposition towards bursting into a jig at the sound of polka

[-] Black_Mald_Futures@hexbear.net 5 points 2 hours ago

The recipe my job gave me literally was just like 1) tarragon vinaigrette (subrecipe) and it's like aight bet imma freestyle. I put like 1 cup of fancy white wine vinegar, 1 cup of chablis cooking wine, 4 shallots, A Large Amount Of Garlic (idk two big handfuls of garlic cloves?), a whole 10oz bottle of dijon mustard (i had to use the condiment mustard 😔 ran out of the big tub) and an equal amount of honey, a BIG handful of tarragon, a SMALL handful of dill, salt and pepper, and whipped that up in the food processor with 3 cups of oil (I know it's supposed to be 3:1 for a vinaigrette but the Large Amount of Garlic causes it to emulsify so it's fine)

I can't wait to eat this food Sunday

[-] Black_Mald_Futures@hexbear.net 7 points 2 hours ago

Long after my death they finally get to overturning the last executive order, order #14324687323804, which simply reads "gottem"

[-] Black_Mald_Futures@hexbear.net 9 points 2 hours ago

If i were president and faced with a hostile congress and court I would simply issue executive orders. Oh, they're going to say they're illegal? I'll issue SO MANY that they would take years to parse, much less actually make decisions on. They decide my executive order establishing an abortion clinic on federal property in every county is illegal? Oh, sorry, that was executive order #42000, but executive order #42069 doing the same thing still stands. Better get to work, congress

[-] Black_Mald_Futures@hexbear.net 27 points 2 hours ago

Can't the president literally just issue an executive order for literally anything at which point it's up to the court/congress to go "um that's illegal"

Like there's nothing stopping Biden from ordering the military to set up free access abortion clinics except for the potential to be stopped after the fact?

[-] Black_Mald_Futures@hexbear.net 18 points 2 hours ago

Sorry sweaty, it's not a MAJOR religion 😔

[-] Black_Mald_Futures@hexbear.net 8 points 2 hours ago

I made a dank ass tarragon vinaigrette for a marinade

[-] Black_Mald_Futures@hexbear.net 47 points 9 hours ago

Apparently he looked like a lost child like 70% of the time and was constantly saying just straight up gibberish. There was some quote where I think he was trying to talk about expanding medicare or something but it made no sense and ended with "we beat medicare" lol

The whole debate is going to be boiled down to Trump saying "I don't know what he's saying, and I don't think he does either"


Hey there Joey what're you doin there wi-




Not like Dungeon Keeper but like you're trying to build a magical self sustaining dungeon ecosystem


The rub started to burn on the skillet so i added a bit of water near the end before it was actually burnt, then sloshed the corn around so it acted like a glaze, kept roasting for a bit and then finished it in the broiler for the char

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Black_Mald_Futures@hexbear.net to c/food@hexbear.net

it's my second time ever roasting corn so I decided to go with a barbecue/elote sort of seasoning, put some chipotle/ancho chile powder, garlic and onion powder, a little bit of brown sugar all smushed up in there

my plan is to scrape all the corn off after roasting and then toss it in lime juice w/ cilantro and use it as a burrito filler with my barbecue. I'm going to skip the mayonnaise part of elote b/c there's coleslaw

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