[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Lol prompts are important for sure. Me and my boss often talk about what you can do with chatgpt when we use it at work amd what kind of prompts we use.

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

Most models that I've played with are only about as good as what you put into it. If you ask it the right questions in the right way, you can get pretty good results.

GPT3.5 has worked well for me. I've also run AI on my pc locally using Ollama and lots of different models. Most do well with simple questions or requests.

Llama 3 instruct is what I've liked the most so far.

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

From my understanding, a lot of the products on amazon are resellers that buy stuff from alibaba and then resell it at a markup so it would not surprise me if that was the case.

They all looked the same when i was last on there searching for one.

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 67 points 2 days ago

I bought a dehumidifier off amazon that was "rated" for 800 sq ft.

Not only did it not live up to that promise, but it also served as the worlds shittiest ice maker. Ice formed on the radiator inside and stoped it from dehumidifying the air.

Thats right, you too can have a ice maker that makes ice in the shape of a radiator while ineffectively dehumidifying your home!

Best part was they reached out after I left a one star review and what they could do to change my rating.

I said "Nothing. Make a better product"

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

I wish they wouldn't do that. If i have to hear about Southern New Hampshire University again I'm gonna hurt somebody.

If I agree to free thing and have to watch ads, aight fine.

But at least make them different man, i hate that they play the same one over and over again. It does not make me want to buy your product.

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 36 points 3 days ago

Shocked i tell you. I am shocked.

No way an app would collect data it doesnt need. Preposterous.

Next thing you'll tell me is that tiktok is doing the same thing!

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Yea thats part of the reason I said generally. As I said, newer to linux and still learning but flatpaks can be more secure because they are sandboxed is my understanding.

That said, you're not wrong to point it out. Sandboxes arent the be all end all to security of course. Any security is defeated if the end user doesn't use logic and practice saftey when it comes to downloading any software.

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

Oh man, this show was my jam when i was growing up. This and samurai jack were so cool.

I was really glad that samurai jack got a reboot/ending but for Dexter, since it was more episodic and didn't really have an overarching plot, I'm cool with it just being what it is.

Thats actually why i stopped to look at this cause i thought for a sec they rebooted this and feared id get more of my childhood ruined.

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

I've seen good answers here but I just wanted to chime in as I'm a newer Linux user and as I'm learning more from running Fedora as my daily driver instead of Windows, I'm learning a lot and hope to help others learn as well.

Typically, most common software that you want to use will be in the repo for your distro or in a flatpak of some kind. If you're downloading from your distributions repo, your typically not going to encounter viruses. Flatpaks are also generally safe as theyre sandboxed so the interactions they have with your system are generally read only.

That said, still use caution. Don't run commands that you find online unless you know what they do, use ublock like you mentioned you already do, only download software from trusted sources and use the checksum to verify the files integrity and safety.

From the sound of it, you're already doing what you should be, just wanted to add this if there were any other very new users with similar concerns about viruses.

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 93 points 1 month ago

88 x 8TB drives? 704 TB of storage?

You got a whole damn data center lol. Good stuff dude. Was this off of ebay or direct from a company? I'm curious to know the total cost.

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 140 points 2 months ago

Bout time. Ticket master has been ruining venues and driving up ticket prices for years: https://www.cbs58.com/news/ticketmaster-accused-of-running-underground-ticket-scalping-project-to-drive-up-prices

My boi Sydney. (lemmy.world)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Bluefruit@lemmy.world to c/aww@lemmy.world

I dont buy purebreds but him and his brother were given to my family and I took Sydney with me after i was moves out for a few years. Hes the best little idiot. He is a British gray shorthair. Very affectionate.

[-] Bluefruit@lemmy.world 78 points 10 months ago

If you're company isn't profitable enough that it has to underpay its workers to profit then your company should fail. UPS is huge. Theres no way they cant afford it.

Pay your workers a decent wage you philistine.

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