
joined 4 years ago

Why is it a dichotomy lol

The reality is worse than people admit right here in the west as well. Something that radlibs don't like to talk about is the fact that when sex work is legalized, human trafficking increases always. Australia legalized regulated brothels and the number of human trafficking cases skyrocketed. Like you said, young roma girls are groomed and trafficked to Holland.

[–] 0 points 3 years ago (2 children)

There is a tendency on the left for people to accuse you of slutshaming or wanting to punish sex workers when you criticize sex work as an industry. The reality is the vast majority of sex workers do it out of desperation or coercion, and sex work becoming more common has literally always been reflective of worsening conditions. Sure some of them genuinely love it and feel liberated by it, but the fact that so many young women are doing it is not a good thing. The difference between a right wing critique of the onlyfans phenomenon and a left wing one is that rightoids focus on the sex workers while left wingers focus on the system that results in increasing sex work.

These people will twist reality to fit their preconceived notions. You could say "of Cuba staining nukes on their territory meant they wanted to nuke America then the US putting nukes in Turkey meant we wanted to nuke the USSR" and they'd probably just say "yes".

Is he going full chud?

I mean I can't respond to you unless you tell me what the goal of a left wing movement is, and how you think it can be achieved. Otherwise I can only assume you don't care about the end result and only the moral purity of the movement itself

[–] 1 points 3 years ago (2 children)

Lol literally all of my comments have been sarcastic, why do you think I'm raging? I'm not a troop, never have been one and never will be one and I've even cucked troops on more than one occasion lol. I just think it's funny as fuck that people on twitter dot com love stirring the pot and think making moral judgements is praxis.

Answer my question, what is the goal of a left wing movement in your mind?

[–] 1 points 3 years ago (4 children)

Communism is when you declare individual moral culpability for their role as cogs in an oppressive machine and the more you declare it the more communister it is. In fact, Marxism is 100% about the moral veracity of individual actions. That's why Engels was an evil counterrevolutionary for continuing to manage a factory his father owned despite claiming to be a """Communist""" and Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai were reactionaries since they are products of the exploitative Chinese landowning class.

The dumbest thing about stupidpol is they think they're materialist marxists that aren't tainted by liberal identity politics but in reality they're just fucking socdems who get uncomfy talking about anything that doesn't benefit them personally. They all worship Adolph Reed who does have some good critiques of the Western left but is generally a bad Marxist and not a Leninist in any way. These people don't believe in the concept of the labor aristocracy presumably because it sounds "radlib". They think you will be able to get a bunch of chud plumbers who make $80k/year and own their own property and a big fancy truck to be socialists through AFL-CIO union membership lmao.