this post was submitted on 03 Dec 2020
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Sex work is cool and all but it's also cool to be able to support your friends without it requiring them to give you pictures of their buttholes in exchange for money. I can't help but feel like this particular phenomenon is a product of a uniquely American capitalist hellscape and that maybe this sort of thing wouldn't need to be a normal occurrence in a semi-functioning society. What do you guys think?

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[–] 0 points 3 years ago (1 children)

There is a tendency on the left for people to accuse you of slutshaming or wanting to punish sex workers when you criticize sex work as an industry. The reality is the vast majority of sex workers do it out of desperation or coercion, and sex work becoming more common has literally always been reflective of worsening conditions. Sure some of them genuinely love it and feel liberated by it, but the fact that so many young women are doing it is not a good thing. The difference between a right wing critique of the onlyfans phenomenon and a left wing one is that rightoids focus on the sex workers while left wingers focus on the system that results in increasing sex work.

[–] 0 points 3 years ago (1 children)

The reality is the vast majority of sex workers do it out of desperation or coercion, and sex work becoming more common has literally always been reflective of worsening conditions.

There's a pipeline for underage Roma girls from eastern european orphanages to western european brothels. I've never understood the "But people enjoy doing it" argument, because reality is way worse if you're not living in the west.

[–] 1 points 3 years ago

The reality is worse than people admit right here in the west as well. Something that radlibs don't like to talk about is the fact that when sex work is legalized, human trafficking increases always. Australia legalized regulated brothels and the number of human trafficking cases skyrocketed. Like you said, young roma girls are groomed and trafficked to Holland.