[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 3 points 11 months ago

Copy paste a bunch of Lorem Ipsum and you're done

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 23 points 11 months ago

Remember all those posts that sometimes will come up in r/relationship advice or subs like that portraying really vulnerable people that are really down on their luck ("Im a single mom/dad and have to do horrible things so that my children can eat" "Im an abused teen and can't escape my home" "Im trying to escape a borderline cult" etc etc)?

Now, Im sure at least some of those were fake to begin with (I don't have anything against those subs or those stories, but you can't guarantee every single one of them is true). Now imagine if they could put a little edit in the end "thank you all, you are so kind, I managed to sign up into reddit's content program, so if you want to help make sure to upvote and leave some gold, it means so much".

In those subs, people were already helping out how they could (I would often see people offering to send food or stuff to OPs home, things like that)... so that's not gonna backfire at all if its implemented.

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 5 points 11 months ago

Imagine if the songs The KKK Took My Baby Away and Fire of Unknown Origin (took my baby away) are talking about one really unfortunate baby that keeps on being taken away by random stuff.

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 5 points 11 months ago

You can replace reddit.com with reddit.adminforge.de, so say instead of reddit.com/r/ModCoord --> go to reddit.adminforge.de/r/ModCoord

You can scroll your little heart away without giving reddit any traffic

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

Kbin already counts upvotes and boosts, similar to reddit karma.
But it could perhaps be something that stays hidden for everyone but yourself and moderators (provided you are participating in their magazine, otherwise anyone could open a magazine to see everyone elses karma)

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Anyone working on reddit might benefit from contacting some of the people that used to work on twitter, just so that they are prepared for what's to come y´know.
I mean spez already said he admires Elon Musk's directive of twitter, it doesn't take much to know that its going to turn into a very shitty place to work for if it hasn't reached that point yet.

Bear Paws in bloom (media.kbin.social)

Bear Paws in bloom

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 5 points 1 year ago

Didn't even know what a 3rd party app was until the protests (never used reddit on my phone to limit the amount of time spent there, and was never very tech savvy).
Left because of other reasons, like a couple mods of communities I love packing up and leaving and the sheer principle of it all.

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 5 points 1 year ago

Probably she wanted to stall the process as much as posible so that they could bill the service some more before cancelling.
That or they have a script to make the service as hard to cancel as posible and she was just parroting that, without really paying attention to what OP was saying.

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

Yep, that would be exactly the case.
If someone from the US heard us talking to our friends and family in our native tounge, I think a few would have a meltdown.
"Little black crayola pencil" is a common nickname for friends and family (regardless of skin tone).
My grandma, bless her soul, socially changed her name when she was in her 20s from "Mary" to "female black crayola pencil", its the only name she's answered to from that day till the day she died, no one batted an eye.

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Don't know, but so far it seems like most marketing algorythms don't know what on earth to do with me, cause I really be here on internet doing very specific things that don't necesarilly relate.
They throw in the most random stuff, sometimes its things from countries Im not from, other times they think Im male, others that Im female.
On a very funny instance I got a youtube add (won't elaborate on why addblock wasn't on) recruiting me to join the sugar daddy / sugar baby business(?????? (still don't know if they wanted me to be the sugar daddy or the sugar baby, cause sure as hell I aint got the money and I aint got the goods).

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 7 points 1 year ago

Hi there fellow refugee, don't mind me commenting random stuff to get accustomed to kbin's interface (transitions are hard, and technology-wise Im a bit of a grandma, nothing practice won't solve).

[-] BuddhaBeettle@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

I spent so much time there on reddit spreading knowledge of the things I had experience with and was passionate about (mostly piercing care, plant care, and science related stuff, which Ill admit is a pretty random combination of things).
For now, I can't bring myself to delete it.
But I do look forward to spreading the things I learned to a brand new audience, so Im keeping my head high even if Im sad its come to this


I admit Im using y'all as guinea pigs while I figure how to post in these platforms, hello everyone, its nice to meet you!

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