[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

I think it is to avoid image searches from easily finding the original image. You'll also find pictures flipped, tilted slightly, or have their colors changed just a little bit.

[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 57 points 1 month ago

Per your linked article there was a 79% chance that they would stay married. Divorce is more likely when the wife gets sick then the husband but I wouldn't have define her chances of being alone the way you did.

[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 51 points 2 months ago

I know it's a joke but it is a pretty sad thought and good advice against dwelling over your past.

[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 53 points 2 months ago

Absolutely. Not voting is a vote for the candidate you don't like.

[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 53 points 4 months ago

It's to bad for them that they didn't write all of that at a 45 degree angle. The magic only works when written that way.

[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 57 points 5 months ago

Clearly the ramblings of someone who should be president. /s

[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 110 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The mode human body contains enough bones to make an entire skeleton. The average human body doesn't have enough.

[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 58 points 6 months ago

About 50 pounds.

[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 51 points 9 months ago

Tom Tiffany needs to spend more time passing a budget and less time complaining about milk with added sugar.

[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 72 points 9 months ago

...and reminded those being laid off of their nondisclosure agreements.

I'd like to remind all of those being laid off that this is an organization that has ceased operations due to lack of funding. Do they have enough money to pay a lawyer to enforce their NDA?

[-] Burninator05@lemmy.world 54 points 10 months ago

...is almost always fatal for animals and people...

That's an understatement. I think there are only one or two documented cases ever where someone started to show symptoms of rabies and lived. If I recall correctly those who did live were given massive doses of the vaccine as the moment symptoms were noticed and were mentally incapacitated the rest of their lives.

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