That's my point: you are flinging shit at the wall and shrugging. What are YOU trying to say?
A blowhard obfuscating a very simple and commonly understood message: clothes matter. They communicate your status, ideology, and alignments. The recent fiasco in the White House where Zelenskyy was criticized for not wearing a suit coupled with the protest image depicted above strongly suggests a commonly heard refrain around these parts:
This is a war between classes. Oligarchs/Plutocrats vs Workers.
And consequently Zelenskyy identifying with the working class is the real reason Trump is withdrawing support.
There's more to it I'm sure, but frankly, I can't be bothered when people vomit word salads instead of just saying what they mean. It is more important for them to 'sound' intelligent, than communicate their message so I give them what they want :P
First rule of handling firearms: The gun is always loaded
So secret it is in the news.