[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 41 points 11 months ago

"The court has investigated the court and found no wrongdoing on the part of the court"

[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 33 points 11 months ago

Yo fellas, is it gay to take lunch to work? 😂

[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago

"We should judge this movie on its merits as a movie and not on social values like wokeness"

Judges movie exclusively on levels of social values like wokeness and corporatism without once mentioning a damn thing about the movie

[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 41 points 11 months ago

"Michael was driving a car from a company that shows every private residence in the country. But it's also a company that won't let us show the car that takes those pictures. In fairness to them, it is their property. If you want to know what the company is, all you have to do is 'something' it."

  • Arrested Development Narrator
[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago

Facts. Everyone been running around shrieking about how impossible signing up is because you have to checks notes pick a server.

[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 54 points 11 months ago

Except for the veteran sub where I got perma banned for literally saying I don't like fascism, I never had many paths cross with mods.

Where I lost respect for them is when Reddit started telling them to open up or get replaced and most of them complied. I'd have some more empathy if it was at work where getting canned meant scrambling to pay bills - but we're talking about Reddit. They claim to stand for something but the second they're asked to give up anything for that belief they cave.

Psuedo interwebs powers just trump morals and values these days.

[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

I saw numbers from some study about tech and people's relationships with it or whatever and it's insane how many people think Facebook is the entire internet now that they've had that integrated browser for so long. It's just all they ever learned of technology, magic rectangle go to Facebook.

I understand not being "tech savvy," a "hobbyist," whatever - but I can't fathom not bothering to consider how something I use daily works AT ALL. I hate cars but I learned enough to understand how to tentatively diagnose a problem and handle minor maintenance myself, but some people take their car to the dealer like 4x a year instead.

Is madness.

[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Then it should be treated as what it is, an illegal venture based off of theft. I don't get a legal pass to steal just because the groceries I stole got cooked into a meal and are therefore no longer the groceries I stole.

[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 121 points 11 months ago

We know why but pointing out how Republicans only policy position is "explicitly kneecap everything so we can privatize it and funnel money to our friends at non negotiated rates 5x the normal end user retail cost" is apparently not allowed because some guys like guys and some people want to alter a pronoun by one letter or some such shit.

[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

I never used a third party app but I'll give this a spin lol.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by CannaVet@lemmy.world to c/bookclub@lemmy.world

Whazzup everybody? I like books (and edibles) so when I saw this community I wanted to contribute. I just finished Artemis by Andy Weir, a sci fi novel about a young delivery worker/smuggler who gets entangled in a plot to change the balances of power on the Moon's only city.

I picked up The Deepest South of All by Richard Grant at Ollie's for a few bucks the other day and have started that. It tells the tales of various people the author meets in Natchez, Mississippi and explores how it's slavery centric past still influences the area today.

What are you all reading? How big is your backlog? I started explicitly keeping a physical backlog when I buy new media because I'm 100% that guy who'll put it up and forget forever. haha

[-] CannaVet@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

I made my first ever Twitter account a month or two before Musk bought it, for purely NSFW reasons. I'd log in every couple weeks or whatever, handle my business, and move along. After he bought it, I said whatever I'm not doing anything useful data wise so I'll continue my few times a month visits.

First post-Musk visit, it's fine. Business handled, close my incog window, move on.

Second post-Musk visit, I log in, and it's CP as far as the eye can see. I immediately deleted my account.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by CannaVet@lemmy.world to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world

I think I have the syntax right on this, but I've spun up a new community for US veterans on lemmy.world! Hope to see you all there so we can get social and help lift eachother up!

This should link properly

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