[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 17 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

GPU artifacting typically means one of the four things, in the order of severity

  1. Cable is fucked
  2. Monitor is fucked
  3. GPU drivers are fucked
  4. GPU itself is fucked.

To test 1) try changing your refresh rate and resolution to see if the artifacting occurs similarly. If it ceases, change your cable. If one of your monitors displays properly and another monitor artifacts, this is also the main culprit

To test 2) plug in another device that uses the same port your PC uses. If you see similar artifacting, change your monitor

To test 3) try booting your PC off of a live USB with any OS. If you don't see artifacting, you're gonna need to change your GPU drivers. Refer to your OS's documentation on that, not me please.

This step also tests for 4. If you see artifacting, it's highly likely that your GPU is fucked. Try disconnecting the GPU and use the integrated graphics if that exists, or an old GPU. Use that as a temporary solution until you upgrade your GPU.

[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 7 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)



BIOS and prod.keys takes some googling to find, it changes all the time so i cant link a constant source

[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 3 points 19 hours ago

I saw one bot join only to get live VAC banned like a few minutes later. VAC can detect the bots now, which is nice.

[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 19 points 1 day ago

Going after their main account should hurt them quite a lot :)

get fucked cheaters

[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 day ago

The threadmill loop:

Valve does banwave -> bot hosters find workarounds to not trigger VAC -> bot count increases -> people are fed up with them, new help tf2 movement -> Valve does banwave

[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 day ago

From what I could see from their site, they sound like a cloud provider that has support for folder sharing with guests. Nothing that specifies usage of torrents.


[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Deletion requests do federate; but it's true that it's up to other servers to honor that request in the end

[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 days ago

If you're from the EU you can file a GDPR request to the site's admin; otherwise consult your laws for how you can do a data deletion request for best chance of success.

Note that even if your posts/comments are deleted, some admins might refuse to delete the User ID assigned to your old account to prevent improper federation between instances. (If someone else takes that account, it could create problems there)

[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 15 points 3 days ago

I'd trust him if he said that at the time this incident happened. Not fucking 2 years after that. Even Yandev's apology felt more genuine, and that says something.

[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 37 points 3 days ago

Why did no one nominate Robert Eleementary School to begin with? I'm certain that Robert E. Lee would be happy with that name.

[-] CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml 46 points 3 days ago

Another fun fact about North Korea: They have their own Linux Distro by the name Red Star OS, which has its 3.0 version leaked to the Internet, while the newest known version is 4.0.

My observations while trying out the leaked 3.0 are:

*It is a fedora derivative,its package manager made me think it's something close to CentOS 6.3.

*It's visuals are really similar to Mac OS. Perhaps the state official behind this project really liked Mac?

*Every piece of software installed has its credits removed, they have help prompts that refer to them being made in some sort of university.

*It leaves strange markings to created files. I couldn't understand what they do exactly, but I assume it could be used to track the computer that made the files.

*Their browser does not support https, and does not have English support at all.

*Packages intended for developers aren't installed by default, doesn't have a remote repository but instead was intended to be installed with a physical media drive.

*Just for fun, I tried to request the Linux kernel's source code that the developers behind used, as it's licensed by GPL. I was unsuccessful; which means this is the first time a state sponsored software is violating GPL.

Top 5 Numbers (lemmy.ml)

1: 1

2: 7

3: 68

4: 287191715

5: 324

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml to c/boostforlemmy@lemmy.world

Crash output shows this:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.startsWith(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference at com.rubenmayayo.reddit.models.reddit.SubmissionModel.X0(SubmissionModel.java:31) at com.rubenmayayo.reddit.models.reddit.SubmissionModel.t2(SubmissionModel.java:150) at com.rubenmayayo.reddit.models.reddit.SubmissionModel.n2(SubmissionModel.java:242) at com.rubenmayayo.reddit.models.reddit.SubmissionModel.d3(SubmissionModel.java:24) at yb.l.l(PostPaginator.java:11) at yb.l.f(PostPaginator.java:3) at yb.h$a.a(LemmyPaginator.java:17) at retrofit2.e$b$a$a.run(DefaultCallAdapterFactory.java:38) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:914) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:224) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7551) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:539) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:995)

Device Name: Redmi Note 8 / Android 10

Instance: lemmy.ml

If you as a user encountered this, you can disable it via turning off the internet and switching the sorting method to something different; then turning on the network again.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml to c/apexlegends@lemmy.world

On the video it shows highlights of hackers taking control of players Genburton and ImperialHal.

Really sad to see this imo

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml to c/anime@lemmy.world

The position as PEN text is: 6k1/pp2Qpp1/2br3p/2p5/8/1P3q2/PBP2PPP/R4RK1 w Q - 0 1

A position where both kings are under heavy pressure. I paused here, not seeing a way out for the White player at all. After finishing the episode I threw the same position to a chess engine; and there was indeed an exit out of the checkmate.

Reccomended Move: Qg5

I like the detail that this was a really tough move to see, on a pretty open board with not much moves that seem visible. I've been playing chess for years as a hobby and I wouldn't see it in that heat. This move essentially forces a queen trade to be the best move for Black, as any other move could result in White doing massive attacks; and after that with two versus one rook advantage could change the game's tides.

I kinda wish they didn't animate away the actual moves; I'd love to see the all the moves that lead to the scene, but still a very cool detail.


Crafting Rotation

R-301 and Volt leave the crafter and are back on the floor

Hemlok and Alternator enter the crafter




Tactical reload time reduced to 0.9 (was 1.03)

Empty reload time reduced to 1.6 (was 1.7)

Draw Time reduced to 0.45 (was 0.8)


Damage reduced to 11 (was 12)


Damage reduced to 12 (was 13)




Piercing Spikes

Now require line-of-sight to an enemy player to activate

Spikes that have not been activated will still slow players


Improved Horizon audio to make “falls” less silent

Hard landing audio adjusted to match other legends

Soft Landings now play audio in world ( not just for Horizon )

Gravity Lift exit audio range increased to make it easier to hear characters who exit


Castle Wall: impact will now destroy Conduit’s Energy Barricade mines

Mobile Shield: can now be destroyed by enemy Crypto EMP

Delayed balance adjustments from the season 19.0 patch are now fully integrated


Amped Walls are no longer destroyed by friendly Crypto EMP or Mad Maggie’s Wrecking Ball



Storm Point

Added and adjusted cover at ZEUS Station & ECHO HQ

Added Ring Console to Coastal Camp

Added Trident to Barometer

Adjusted the position of the Ring Console, Survey Beacon and Crafting Station at Lightning Rod

Reduced volume of ambient audio at ZEUS Station & ECHO HQ

Removed Ring Console, Survey Beacon and Crafting Station from Thunder Watch

Resolved a number of additional bugs and rat spots

Restored missing Ring Console at Command Center


Added four new staircases at ECHO HQ to improve vertical navigation around the perimeter

Rooftop of ECHO HQ is now out of bounds, Zipline and rooftop hatch has been removed

Wattson’s Pylon

Adjusted position of the ziplines at Wattson's Pylon to improve consistency of mantle jumping

Reduced amount of ultra rare loot at Wattson's Pylon

ZEUS Station

Added additional cover and ziplines at ZEUS Station for mixtape modes only

Increased the speed of the redeploy balloon zipline at ZEUS Station by 25%



Map Rotation


Hammond Labs and Production Yard are out

Lava Siphon and Caustic Treatment are in

Gun Run

The Core, Estates, and Wattson’s Pylon are out

Skulltown, Fragment East, and ZEUS Station are in


ZEUS Station, Skulltown, and Phase Runner are out

Wattson’s Pylon, Party Crasher, and Overflow are in


Added new Legend voice lines that occasionally play on respawn

Lowered Ratings reward for assists in Control 5 per assist (was 20)

This is in response to a recent change where we started counting assists in Control and TDM based on the whole team and not just within your individual squad



Extended Supply Bins

Added a cap to the number of heat shields a team can receive from the secret drawer

Added a cap to the number of medkits a team can receive from the secret drawer



Firing Range: players dying with a Nessie in their inventory will no longer find the Nessie deleted. Sorry Nessie Hunters!

Players no longer get stuck due to spamming holosprays while skydiving

Players no longer drop out of Wraith’s portal before reaching the other side

Resolved small chance of getting 5 items in secret drawer of Extended Supply Bins

Resolved bug preventing audio engine from properly utilizing fast storage drives when reading compressed audio data

Startup logo video audio volume now respects the master volume slider

Storm Point: players should now be able to use Evac Tower through the ceiling hatch in Command Center

Trident collision should no longer occasionally push players through walls and floors



Ash: Ultimate can no longer be used with Tridents to get under map

Bloodhound: Niflheim Hundr skin’s raven now white (was black)


Piercing Spikes ability description now shows the correct max number of traps

Piercing Spikes can now be pinged again

Ultimate no longer shows as ready in inventory without being fully charged


Fixed Energy Barricade V-Shape deployment when looking directly at the ground

Tactical can no longer be used on respawning team still in dropship

Crypto: fixed Crypto taking ring damage while standing in a heat shield if controlling his drone in the ring

Loba: restored movement speed while holding Tactical if it was activated while standing still

Mad Maggie

Fixed damage numbers not showing correctly when hitting Revenant’s ultimate shroud with Wrecking Ball

Passive no longer works through Catalyst’s walls

Revenant: no longer occasionally becomes invincible during his ultimate if his shroud is broken while marked by Vantage’s Sniper

Vantage: corrected Sniper Ult bullets damage to marked targets when breaking Gibraltar’s arm shield or Revenant’s ultimate shroud

Wattson: Ultimate correctly recharges shields when placed after Bangalore’s smoke



Abilities that outline players should no longer stop functioning after killing an enemy

Silence abilities should no longer cancel auto healing

Voice chat is no longer heard outside of the squad in TDM and Control



Caustic Treatment: weapons cannot be used on the supply ship

Damage not taken while inside the respawn ship

Players no longer occasionally spawn in a skydive state when respawning on Kings Canyon

Players no longer lose invulnerability while still on the dropship when spawning on the MRB



Fixed issue with dynamic resolution not reacting fast enough to high graphics load. Improves frame rate stability on consoles

DX12 (PC) video memory (VRAM) usage is now reduced by 1.5 - 2GB

DX12 (PC) improved graphics performance with parallelization of rendering workloads

Upgraded Nvidia Reflex SDK to v1.8 and adds support for latency markers






Improved visibility for jammers

Ultimate SFX can no longer be heard in other Firing Range instances

Mirage’s Decoys

Improved issues against terrain that would cause destruction/floating

Any destroyed by terrain will now be refunded

Improved to more correctly copy the ADS state of the player

No longer mimic reviving or execution animations


Voice line added when Newcastle removes one of his own Castle Wall segments

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by CaptainBasculin@lemmy.ml to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

Edit: Replies to this thread indicate this is not fully correct as it exists on all browsers; and is likely an ad thing.


I've had a match where I couldn't move at all, but my ping was showing constant 80-100. Chat/Voice comms were working. Is this some sort of an exploit, or is it just apex server moment?


There's no removal from moderation option in the community section, so how do I remove said mod? I don't see the option visible to me.


I tried to browse my community from other instances, but got 404: Couldnt find community error. What do I need to do to have said community visible from other instances?

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joined 1 year ago