[-] Carter@feddit.uk 59 points 6 months ago

Same here in the UK. Far too warm.

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 111 points 7 months ago

How do you manage to confuse there and their this much?

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 154 points 8 months ago

£5.99 refund. Quite clearly not in the US.

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 105 points 9 months ago

How do people think paying for a service and still being served ads is acceptable?

submitted 9 months ago by Carter@feddit.uk to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.ml

I'm trying to play Horizon Zero Dawn on OpenSUSE TW but every 10 minutes or so my entire system crashes leaving me with both monitors displaying a green screen and forcing me to pull the plug on my PC. This appears to be the only game with the issue. I've tried multiple versions of Proton including GE but all suffer from the same crashes. How do I go about diagnosing the issue?

PC specs are if relevant are:


AMD 5700XT


2TB nvme SSD

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 50 points 9 months ago

Not having to physically put a SIM in your phone.

submitted 9 months ago by Carter@feddit.uk to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.ml

Hi guys,

An interesting issue here that I wonder if anyone will have a solution to. I have quite a varied controller collection that I like to swap between somewhat regularly. My go to at the moment is the Flydigi Vader 3 Pro which is plug and play with no issues. Another controller that I occasionally like to use is the GameSir G7 and this controller doesn't work at all out of the box in Linux. To get the G7 to work I have to install xone, but in doing so the Flydigi stops working entirely.

Is there a happy medium in terms of controller drivers or am I better off just choosing one controller and sticking with it?

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 52 points 10 months ago

You should really disable clipboard history. A security nightmare.

submitted 10 months ago by Carter@feddit.uk to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.ml

Hi guys.

I've finally returned to Linux gaming after a year hiatus back on Windows but currently have been unable to play anything due to Steam's shader caching. Trying to launch a game means I have to sit and leave my PC on for hours (I gave up after 2) just whilst the progress bar slowly goes up. I made sure background caching was on in the settings and even added a config file to enable more threads as I saw suggested online but after leaving Steam open overnight I'm still unable to play any games.

This wasn't an issue when I was dailying Linux a year ago so I'm assuming something in Proton must've changed?

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 42 points 10 months ago

No it hasn't. Cancelling pretty much always lets you continue until you were due to be billed.

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 43 points 10 months ago

I've gotten into gaming more again by simply sticking with indie games. No more 100 hour boring open worlds.

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 40 points 10 months ago

This sounds like absolute hell.

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 66 points 10 months ago

I'll never understand wireless keyboards. They just sit on the desk? Why go through the hassle of charging it?


I legitimately find it difficult to long term stay annoyed with people who have wronged me. I have close friends and family telling me how ridiculous it is I'm still in touch and friendly with people I used to consider friends but briefly cut them out after they treated me horribly. I can see the logic and feel as though I SHOULD hate certain people for how they've been in the past but I just don't feel any anger or resentment and am quite happy to just forget the past. Is this weird and/or unhealthy?

submitted 11 months ago by Carter@feddit.uk to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

My current setup at home is two aging systems, one gaming PC that I usually put to sleep when not using and one 24hr server hidden away in a cupboard. Both are in need of an upgrade fairly shortly and I'm just wondering if a single system would be a viable option?

I'm not hosting THAT many services really. Most are just media related that would be unused when sat at the PC gaming as it's just me that uses any of it. A strong enough CPU should be able to handle everything anything though shouldn't it?

It seems like a good idea to me but I'm no expert. Is there anything obvious I'm missing?

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 41 points 11 months ago

I want to know who has seriously ever clicked the notification bell. YouTubers are constantly telling me to and I have never even come close. Why would I want more pointless notifications in my life?

[-] Carter@feddit.uk 81 points 11 months ago

Reddit are past the point of no return for me. They could reverse all their API changes but I'm not going back. They've show their true colours.

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