I just broke a trekking pole descending Galdhøpiggen. I will soon be starting the Tour du Mont Blanc and an additional thru-hike after. If I buy a new set of poles from Decathlon, can I return them after I'm done? That's what the return policy appears to say, similar to REI in the US, but I don't speak French so idk

[-] Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net 8 points 6 days ago

Anyway I'll make sure my friends who promised to beat the shit out of me for going back to her are informed of my folly

[-] Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net 8 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

lol I was rejected by my ex and now she's mad at me for even asking

I'm fine with the rejection, was pretty much expected (I thought I had nothing to lose either way so it was worth trying), but l'm confused about the anger. Things ended amicably due to circumstances out of our control (she had to move away). I've tried my best to be a good friend to her for the past 6 months. Now that she's back in town and we've hung out a bit I thought it was reasonable to ask her out. She's treated me like shit for for the last 8 months so maybe I should take the hint and cut all ties


update: she blocked me without any notice or further contact lol. Doesn't make sense to me at all but at least the ties were cut

[YTP] shap (youtu.be)
[-] Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net 85 points 3 weeks ago

biden is the least progressive democrat president since truman

[-] Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net 67 points 1 month ago

If you destroy a wasp's home, they will retaliate. A lesson the IOF doesn't understand


JERUSALEM—Following its ban of the Qatar-based news outlet’s operations in the country, Israel accused Al Jazeera Monday of being a mouthpiece for journalism. “It is clear from its continuous, 24-hour coverage of the war in Gaza that Al Jazeera is working on behalf of journalistic principles,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a blistering statement, accusing the broadcaster of harboring hundreds of journalists who engage in tactics such as gathering information, validating that information to its ensure accuracy, and then presenting it to the public. “What else are we to call their relentless on-the-ground reporting and their fact-based firsthand accounts of what’s going on in Gaza? It is journalism, plain and simple. Some of these fanatics at Al Jazeera have even sacrificed their lives for the cause, dying as they carry out acts of journalism that threaten the Israeli government.” Netanyahu went on to defend his administration’s record of rooting out journalism, noting that since the war began in October, around 100 journalists had been killed.


I was driving south from here after a backpacking trip and saw possibly 100 or so cop cars and unmarked vehicles heading to Cal Poly Humboldt. Might be something to watch. Occupying admin buildings is very cool

[-] Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net 88 points 2 months ago

On a freeway in the middle of nowhere. I'm seeing dozens if not hundreds of cop cars in the opposing lane driving at least 100 miles to the nearest pro-palestine college encampment.

submitted 2 months ago by Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

first popular AI-generated song

End Zone Reception (hexbear.net)
[-] Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net 75 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

between the war bills, gutting of remaining data privacy, and tiktok ban passing yesterday, biden is soooo fucked with gen z voters (more like non-voters)

[-] Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net 106 points 2 months ago

my pro-palestine lib friends support Iran holy shit

submitted 2 months ago by Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net


submitted 3 months ago by Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

have no cool games been released?

[-] Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net 69 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

the answer to every infrastructure problem is high-speed rail

I hope they figure out how to do this with engineless commercial airliners (I know it'll never happen but it would be cool)

[-] Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net 75 points 3 months ago

If they ban tiktok gen z will abandon the democratic party

[-] Coolkidbozzy@hexbear.net 69 points 3 months ago

Haiti's leader resigned, I guess he'll just live in the US/Puerto Rico now

history is happening maybe

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