[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 22 points 17 hours ago

Did Biden not do"well"? Beyond being obviously old I mean.

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

now I want pet rats again! they really are amazing pets

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Graphics updated for entire game, or just the newest expansion?

Edit: upon getting my lazy ass to read, it says the whole game! Nice.

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 22 points 1 day ago

Yeah unexpected darkness there

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 6 points 2 days ago

Funny enough, if you "need it to look like windows 7" Mint looks pretty close.

but yes, prior to October my house was 5 windows PCs. A couple weeks ago it was officially 5 Pop machines. No prior Linux experience, except for copy-paste setup of a pihole.

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 6 points 2 days ago

I know it technically counts and all, but it bothers me that "mobile" is included in "video games". Mobile "games" are clickbaits and doomscrolls and it seems weird to compare them in the same graph as Nintendo/PC etc.

HOWEVER - in terms of REVENUE there is no denying how much money they make on mobile games! Probably due in part to the clickbait/doomscroll nature of them.

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I also didn't like the way Mint looked/felt, even though I'm aware of its popularity and good reputation.

I'm on Pop!_OS which is mostly a GNOME desktop, but they do add [remove] features and it's very smooth and clean. I guess this is one of the miracles of "linux" where we can all be using "linux" but with 1500 different varieties.

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 14 points 2 days ago

LTSC is the route I took as well for awhile. But went back to retail because I wanted to play Game Pass and there were some weird things going on. But it was great for my cheap homemade NAS.

that is... until I switched both computers to Linux last year.

But completely agree - if you need/want to stay in Windows, LTSC was very clean.

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 38 points 2 days ago

I can't bring myself to watch it, but that candidates can flat out tell blatant, easily disputed, lies blows my mind.

I'm not talking "I was a good president" lies that could be classified as subjective, I mean lies like "when I was president no one died of any disease" type lies that are just contrary to all reality. real-time fact-checking (of that magnitude) and insta-mutes should absolutely be a thing.

I realize "fact-checking" itself can be a slippery slope, so that's why I try to clarify the black/white nature instead.

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago

One factor missing is why/what they are donating -

Meaning, at first I was surprised that Shell was almost even between the 2 parties, but then it could be that they are just trying to equally soften both of them to new regulations on petroleum products, etc.

unless that is further into the website?

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 2 points 4 days ago

What happened in Idaho?

[-] CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee 12 points 4 days ago

My work just added "ai" that browsers our internal files.

All we ever wanted was a working internal search engine...

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