[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 51 points 10 months ago

This line of thinking is what let's wage thieves sleep at night.

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 43 points 10 months ago

I bought the pre release, got bored so quickly and never logged more than 2 hours for many many years. I thought they wouldn't actually keep updating it but they did which is very cool.

Now whenever I open the game to give it a try they force me to get all of this shit I don't want like a freight thing and I need to build a base and it's like dude I thought the whole idea was that you could do whatever you want, and then you force me to do all this tutorial shit that I don't care about? I can't get into it.

The tutorials should be optional, I wanna explore the universe with just my ship and be a drifter for a while before I find a home planet I like to make my base, I wanna worry about freighters once I've experienced the rest of the game not right away. I want to learn the updates at my own pace but it won't let me so I gave up on it.

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 66 points 10 months ago

Firefox ftw

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 36 points 10 months ago

I paid for Netflix, cancelled it and got Disney+ instead when they cracked down on password sharing. I am more than happy to end my subscription to Disney and go full pirate, I don't care and I live in Canada so I'll never face repercussions.

I'd love to support the creatives but seeing all these strikes it's not like the execs are paying them livable wages anyways. They complain about not making enough money on streaming then vote to increase just the executives pay by insane margins annually, I can see through your deception execs.

If you are going to hoard your wealth so will I, and when the economy dies cause we are all hoarding our pennies I won't feel bad for you while you look up from the bounds of the guillotine.

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 93 points 10 months ago

Of course this comes from the wall street journal lmao straight propaganda

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 36 points 10 months ago

This is incredible news. Windows 11 is a fucking travesty filled with bloatware, I recently had to reinstall windows due to a driver corrupting my nvme and switched back to windows 10 and my god the performance boost was actually insane. I run dual boot Ubuntu on my main laptop, and straight Ubuntu on my server host laptop and my work desktop.

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 66 points 10 months ago

I wish there was a way to migrate all my subscriptions, cause then I would probably change instances to ease the burden on my current instance.

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 35 points 11 months ago

Yeah but humans can use critical thinking, even on themselves when they make shit up. I've definitely said something and then thought to myself "wait that doesn't make sense for x reason, that can't be right" and then I research and correct myself.

AI is incapable of this.

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 58 points 11 months ago

Yo if a manager is giving their children workers meth that is 1000% a police report and if your son gets punished that sounds to me like an easy lawsuit. Please for the love of God report this, the kid is probably already fucked for life but this manager could be using their position to get kids hooked on drugs so that they can do pedo shit. Someone has to say something.

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 64 points 11 months ago

That is obviously not a cat, it's a horse, and you should probably return it to the pond you found it in.

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 283 points 11 months ago

I'm personally not willing to visit Reddit unless I need to cause it has technical answers, deleted the app and haven't been on since the protests were announced.

Honestly Lemmy is pretty fucking awesome I love it here, I'm gonna stay here until the community dies or I do.

[-] Cybermass@lemmy.world 42 points 11 months ago

Sometimes when I drive into a roundabout I'll do a couple laps just for fun

me_irl (lemmy.world)
me_irl (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by Cybermass@lemmy.world to c/me_irl@lemmy.ml
me_irl (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by Cybermass@lemmy.world to c/me_irl@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by Cybermass@lemmy.world to c/arduino@lemmy.ml

Modules, chips, and everything in between! What are your favorite sensors?

me_irl (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by Cybermass@lemmy.world to c/me_irl@lemmy.ml
me_irl (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by Cybermass@lemmy.world to c/me_irl@lemmy.ml
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