
joined 4 years ago

based and Samuel Hayden-pilled

[–] 28 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I feel like the systemic response to BLM completely negates your assertion. If mass riots don't get even token police reform as a result, then it's pretty clear that our leaders don't give a shit about anything short of someone putting a gun to their head.

Going through that part of the country for the first time was wild to me because until you're there it doesn't occur to you that there is no shade anywhere. Even in an air conditioned car you will still be uncomfortably warm because the sun will be beating down on you for the entirety of daylight. I can't even begin to imagine hiking through that, I'd be experiencing heatstroke within an hour.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Also considering that a lot of this C code is going to be extremely critical code pathways, like making sure your banks don't collapse and your energy plants don't blow up, the major pain paths for migrating to another language are going to be rigorously testing every last path through it, not rewriting it.

Who could've guessed that trying to invade the world's most infamously uninvadeable region could've ended poorly for a combatant that has a smaller military than its opponent and has been having major logistics issues?

Fortunately for all involved it's not like there was any historical precedent for this being a bad idea.

[–] 20 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Fuck, just institute a 0.1% tax on Wall Street and you'd have to expand the MTA to spend all the money you'd have.

This is one of those blowback cases of patriarchy hurting men. Because the dominant social structure has men objectifying and harassing women constantly, it can be difficult to openly admit to finding a woman attractive as a man because people, very understandably, are going to assume that he means that in an objectifying way or is going to go harass her in public trying to get a date out of her and respond accordingly.

It obviously doesn't compare to the consequences faced by femme presenting people, but I'll have a moment every now and again where my bi femme partner and I will notice someone in a cute outfit and I have that moment of knowing that she could walk up to them and compliment them on it without issue, but if I tried to do the same they're likely to be defensive and assume I'm about to ask them for their number.

I love this libertarian obsession with "true free markets" as if there has ever been or ever will be a market with no nation-states or major conglomerates putting their fingers on the scale for their own self interests. What a world it must be to live in where one is so high on idealism that they somehow miss how incredibly fucking worthless even considering such a thing is when a child could point out that would never occur.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Brandenburg players salivating over forming Prussia in 3 quick wars and developing geneseed for their troops in the 14th century.

[–] 52 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

You have to scan all 30 cards, then print out receipts for all of them, then assemble each card with its corresponding receipt, then prep 30 pens + card holders for that, then hand them out to the right people, then input all of their tips afterwards, and hope nobody fucks anything up else you're dragging a manager over for the worst night of your life.

It's actual hell dealing with more than 3 cards per table.

The background buildings have strong sci-fi military bunker vibes

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

The curvature of spacetime does wild shit to how you would expect physics to work. If you want to fall into a gravity well, you have to slow down or you'll just slingshot past it.

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