It keeps ramping up the over the top macho action to the point where by the end of the series you don't even notice how ridiculous Yoko's bikini tops are anymore.

Honestly guerillas taking refuge in the subways during an active insurrection might make them look nicer than they currently do.

There's a pretty massive chasm between people who enjoy being on a leash and getting headpats and people who SA animals.

You can pinpoint the exact moment Luke wonders to himself if he still has his old manager's phone number for when Monday rolls around after Twitter gets to this.

[-] 53 points 2 weeks ago

The permanent solution is not having people living anywhere in Florida that isn't 50+ ft in elevation above sea level, but good luck convincing the gusanos and small business tyrants that owning a mansion directly in the path of infinite category 5 hurricanes isn't a good idea.

Let's Goooooooooooooo (


[-] 45 points 1 month ago

The US once again going through a dozen Suez Canal crises all at once, each one somehow more cartoonishly stupid than the last.

At this point I feel like if you want to radicalize someone just point them to a picture of that barely-welded-together mess and tell them their tax money went towards that to the tune of $320 million.

[-] 46 points 1 month ago

China will be sending sleeper ships to Alpha Centauri to colonize new worlds before the US finishes demolishing the ruins of the Baltimore bridge.

[-] 49 points 1 month ago

Not only did they inspire the literal Third Reich, but the actual Nazis took one look at the One Drop Rule when they were trying to figure out how to build a racially stratified society and were disgusted at how ridiculous a policy it was.

The literal Nazis thought Jim Crow was too racist.

[-] 48 points 2 months ago

Just comical amounts of racism. I guess it's only fitting that the US chase the braindrain it relies on to drive any productive sectors it hasn't outsourced back to their home countries as it spirals into imperial decline.

[-] 42 points 4 months ago

Being aware that the gun you're holding naturally tends towards pointing directly at your own foot does not make the existence of the footgun any more tolerable. Even the best developers will fuck up; having your language enforce memory safety is objectively a good thing, and arguments against it come from FUDDs and gatekeepers.

[-] 69 points 4 months ago

Someone once said that fear of AI is just white people being terrified of having someone do to them what they did to the rest of the world, and I think they might have hit that bullseye so hard the dartboard shattered.

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