[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 31 points 1 week ago

At least it's not one of those stupid "reaction face" thumbnails. A clickbait title is easy enough to parse as "not worth my time" but those punchable face thumbnails? Fuck me, the person that started that trend needs to find the nearest running belt sander and start licking.

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 14 points 1 week ago

Ok, but will it have an engaging storyline and characters that develop over time that we care about? Or is it just a money-grabbing, unoriginal garbage sequel like most of everything put out lately?

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 21 points 1 week ago

No real harm, but it's one more account to manage/worry about.

Flipside is that relying on a singular account is also bad, as now it's a single point of failure in regards to security.

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 19 points 1 week ago

After the Beans sold out to corporatize and join the "cheap shit from overseas" party, their name has lost a lot of meaning. It's good to see the OG family being philanthropic, but that doesn't negate them selling out.

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 18 points 1 week ago

So how long until our options in dodging the endless waves of shitty ads have completely gone? Sure, there might not be indication of it now, but it's probably a safe bet that Mozilla will try and pull some of the same shit Brave did in regards to ads/adblocking.

Thank fuck the internet as a whole is getting so shitty to the point it encourages us to go do something else. Turns out that avoiding the internet as a whole results in feeling a hell of a lot better about things in general.

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 44 points 2 weeks ago

As a man, this makes me feel like you need to be slapped upside the head.

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 23 points 2 weeks ago

Better buckle up Buttercup, because "being in a database" is a reality. Thanks to data breaches such as Equifax, pretty much every US citizen and all their important details are available in numerous databases.

We willingly purchase devices that listen and watch our every move... to be added to private, corporate databases that get sold around like cheap prostitutes. At least with government databases, voting gives at least a teeny, tiny modicum of control.

And even better, while I cant name specific breaches in relation to global populations, it's a safe bet most everyone else is compromised as well.

On the bright side, at least it makes random identity theft occurring to any one particular individual akin to winning the PowerBall.

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 19 points 4 weeks ago

And then every time you sneeze, you end up ordering another case of diapers from Amazon.

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 27 points 4 weeks ago

A 38 minute video... and you can't even tell us the name of the game? For fuck's sake, there used to be ettiquette to link sharing. A one-liner about what it is must be beyond the 3 second attention span these types have...

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 33 points 1 month ago

"For health reasons" - if that's what they choose to enforce, well then... looks like every day just became Halloween.

"No officer, Im not wearing this Ronald Reagan mask for my health, I'm celebrating Halloween" "Yes, officer, in May".

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 42 points 1 month ago

Hamburger menu -> Settings -> General -> "Firefox Updates" -> "check for updates but let you choose to install them"

As for losing open tabs, there're a few different extensions that'll allow you to bookmark all open tabs and throw 'em in a folder. Easy enough to do that before updating, then just delete the folder that's created via the bookmarks manager once you've updated/reopened tabs.

[-] Dendr0@fedia.io 28 points 2 months ago

As probably a generic "dude" as one can be, I like playing female characters because it gives me a chance to be someone I'm not. I play games to remove myself from the real world for a bit, and playing a male character feels too much like self-insertion.

It's weird, but being forced into playing from a "self" perspective I find to be less enjoyable. I like being told a story, and getting to participate in it, but I dont like when the story feels like it's supposed to be about myself, rather than a character.

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