[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 29 points 1 day ago

I'm gonna vote for that machine to electrocute their eyeballs too I think

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 20 points 1 day ago

First and foremost leftists should not abandon their positions on internationalism (or any other matter) to appease reactionaries. "Strategically" adopting reactionary positions alienates the actual progressive forces that support our effort and the reactionaries still aren't going to vote for you anyway (see Jamal Bowman recent loss).

The solution to immigration is to stop systemically impoverishing the global south through militarist or economic means (which forces people immigrate from their homelands) and to raise the labor standards of domestic industries that immigrants predominantly work in which would make domestic labor more attractive.

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 4 points 3 days ago

Because they already have that list and don't care unless someone on it actually does something

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 66 points 4 days ago

Everyone seems to forget that the largest mobilization of the US masses ever happened that year and at least some of it (if not most) was co-opted by the Democrats. Literally millions of people in the streets being told they needed to vote for Joe or they supported police brutality and he only won by a small albeit comfortable margin.

I have no idea what they think is gonna happen this year when the only people that are in the streets are fervently opposed to the current administration.

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 4 points 4 days ago

A few months ago my employer put a cap on how much PTO any employee could have at three times what they could earn in a year. Tons of people got the difference paid out in cash and were pissed about it.

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 23 points 6 days ago

Proof that any self styled "progressive" has nothing to lose by completely opposing Zionist fascism. The Zionists will stab you in the back even if you support them. We can advance confidently knowing anyone that tries to tow a middle position on the issue is an opportunist.

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 57 points 1 month ago

The US is ruled by the logic of finance capital because it is ruled by finance capitalists. Buy low, sell high, and let someone else get stuck holding the bag. The actual concerns of production or running a society are irrelevant because long before production breaks down the current owners have dumped their stake for a comfy profit and bought some other industry.

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 23 points 1 month ago

While the reactionaries in the state undoubtedly relish in the timidity of the left and might contribute to it, the liberalism comes from a left that has never tried to seriously confront the forces of the bourgeoisie. Instead the they sit submerged in their own ideology of pacifism and reformism.

They can believe whatever they want if they never have to use it to change the world.

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 17 points 2 months ago

Tbh, even if someone didn't hate cops this goes to show how bad at their job they are.

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 25 points 2 months ago

Accelerationism is petty bourgeois nonsense from people that don't want to contend with the struggle of organizing as leftists in the imperial core. It's also used as a boogeyman by "reformists" to juxtapose themselves against something that isn't Marxism.

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 30 points 2 months ago

My few experiences with Trots:

  1. I tried to talk to some SA people, all they wanted to do was sell a newspaper, even as I was asking about their platform and what joining might look like. Once I bought the paper they were a little bit friendlier but that was all I needed to experience to not want to be involved.

  2. Two different Trotskyist groups injecting themselves into every vaguely left thing in town. One of the groups was straight up disruptive while the other one would just try to recruit people.

  3. A Trot that somehow snuck into a union organizer position ghosting me and my coworkers when we tried to organize. I found out he quit from someone else in the labor movement a few months later.

  4. Over the last year I've been introduced to a number of people who had interest in an ideology that is a weird blend of Trotskyism and anarchism and most of those people and their ideas are absolutely cursed.

submitted 3 months ago by Dimmer06@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2204521

Websites, podcasts, social media, etc. I don't really care about the medium but I can't seem to find a good single source on the subject.

submitted 3 months ago by Dimmer06@hexbear.net to c/labour@hexbear.net

Websites, podcasts, social media, etc. I don't really care about the medium but I can't seem to find a good single source on the subject.

[-] Dimmer06@hexbear.net 19 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Good. The major unions have become parasitic tools of the state and finance capital due to the NLRA model. A new regime of labor law would undoubtedly be a sharp blow against American workers, but would also force them to actually exercise their power in ways they haven't in years.

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