And they (Boeing) get a slap on the wrist and a waggled finger.
And Democrats are "merely" authoritarians who 1) have colluded with fascists for decades to secure a duopolistic stranglehold on power, 2) have endorsed many of the same positions, historically, 3) place power above all else, including risking lives by boosting the cred of a literally insane psychopath fascist so they could win in 2016, 4) share many of those fascists views on privacy, personal security, freedom of expression.
Democrats only look good when compared to fascists. Is that really the best we can do?
The real issue here is that this has been a strategy of the DNC for years. As much as they'd like to deny it, they are responsible for the rise of Trump and extremism. But we'll be asked to pretend that didn't happen, again.
When you endorse racist fascists to win, you're no better than those wh osupport them.
Israel is not a protectorate of the US but an independent and democratic country whose citizens are the ones who choose the government
Okay cool, can we stop supplying weapons and Intel now?
Vouching for PopOS, which has been my primary OS for years. The only thing I run a Win VM for is the old Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas & Campaign Cartographer. I suppose I could tinker with Wine, but it tends to be finicky with the latter.
Constantly having issues
You're going to see a lot of issues on Linux boards because people go to then for help. I've been running Linux since 2020 and though there have been hiccups, its been remarkably reliable. Having said that, when there ARE issues, it can take some digging to find answers.
Is it not stable
Moreso than Win 11, in my experience. I use Win 11 at work and I've needed a system wipe twice. Once because networking just... stopped... and once because appx apps decided not to load.
Ongoing issues
Plugging PopOS as a good "set and forget" distro that is easy to grasp. The workflow is very MacOS and the tweaks they've made make for a friendlier interface v Ubuntu, IMO.