submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Disabled@burggit.moe to c/announcements@burggit.moe

This post is going to be a long one, to spare you some reading I'll do a TL;DR, but I really would appreciate you reading the whole thing.

TL;DR: Burggit (The Lemmy Instance) will be shutting down July 14th 2024. Due to lack of funding, grievances with the Lemmy software and lack of resources, energy and interest on our part. We'll be giving one month for everyone to move their local posts somewhere else and download their images. shota.nu will not be shutting down, so images/video hosted there will be fine, but they will not be viewable on the Lemmy Burggit since we'll be shutting the webpage down after July 14th 2024.

Now for the whole post.

Back when we started Burggit I was in great health, I was managing multiple sites at a time and constantly adding things to my plate, which were managable while I was in that state. Burggit was an excited project that I asked Burger to set up, because I didn't (and still don't) have the knowledge to maintain. At worst, I thought it could be a fun little place for us and a few friends to mess around and kinda use as a link archive. I even offered to pay for it, since burger is in a difficult financial situation.

Things went well shortly after it was up, we didn't have hardly any users, just a few friends like I originally intended. Then the Reddit API stuff started going in full swing and suddenly people started wanting to join. This was a very exciting time for us as the site grew. It got to the point where my wife even had to help us with managing everything, since she was usually up when Burger and I were asleep. Everything was going rather well.

Then I got sick, I got so sick that I almost died twice, I lost half of my lunge and 2 of my ribs, and I was in and out of the hospital for almost a year. During this time, I could not participate in Burggit, and honestly, I was barely able to fund it. Though I eventually did come back, but it was never like how it was before I got sick.

My financial and physical resources decreased significantly as a result of my health, I can't manage or juggle as much as I could and I will probably forever have a slower paced life because of the events that transpired.

Then there's the Lemmy software. The amount of hoops that burger has to go to in order to bring you this site is ridiculous. To give you an idea of how bad this software is, there's no easy way to check all the images uploaded to the site (such as through private messages). When the obvious concern of potential illegal imagery is brought up to lemmy devs, they shrug and say to plug in an expensive AI image checker to scan for illegal imagery. That response genuinely has me thinking that this is by design, and they want it to be like this. We can't even easily look at the list of registered users without looking through the DB, absolute insanity.

The other thing is there's no real way to manage storage properly in Lemmy, the storage caches every image ever uploaded to any instance forever.

Also the software is constantly breaking.

This site has become more of a burden for us, for me financially as I have been the sole person funding it (aside from like 2 or 3 individuals who donated a bit ago, thank you to those people.) It's just not worth our time anymore and it's not something I want to fund anymore. People seem to like this instance, so much so that it feels like the second it goes down we're made aware of it. But, aside from that we're on our own. We're only federated with a few instances due to the way the threadiverse is, we've been literally locked into our own bubble and have been funding this project and been allocating time (sometimes a lot of time) into making it operational. We just don't have the ability to do that anymore, not unless something big changes, but I don't see that coming.

Now you might be wondering, "What about the Sharkey?" The Sharkey is easy to manage, is widely federated and is easy to manage storage and much cheaper to fund. It doesn't cause even a third of the hassle Lemmy does.

I'm very sorry to make this announcement. Both Burger and I were trying as much as we could to keep this up as long as possible, but it has officially reached a point where we just can't do it anymore.


If you've been experiencing issues with Burggit being slow, this is likely why. Our server host is moving to a new better datacenter. Our disks are being hammered with this move and thus are not able to keep up with writes.

This will definitely cause issues in the meanwhile, however things should be more stable overall once things have settled in at the new DC.

Sorry for any inconvenience.


First thing's first I want to establish we are not going to do anything to Burggit as it stands, we have no intentions of retiring the lemmy Burggit. Want to make that entirely clear. What we are talking about here would be As well as the lemmy Burggit.

Burger and I have been talking and we wanted to know if you guys would be interested in any of the following services:

A Burggit Misskey instance (You can get an example of how that looks here )

A Kbin/Mbin instance (It's a lot like Reddit/Lemmy, but more federated, it can federate with all other activitypub stuff. Unlike Lemmy's half-assed federation implementation) We actually do have a burggit kbin up and running at: https://kbin.burggit.moe/ but it's kinda just in the background for the moment, not really a focus.

Or would you like some other instance/service?

We likely won't be making something like a Pleroma/Akkoma instance as we already have https://shota.house which we run and fufills that purpose. For those who want an invite to the Shota House, just let me know! I'll send an invite to any Burggit users who want in. (with some amount of genuine account activity ofcourse.)

We would love to hear your input/feedback!

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 4 points 5 months ago

While that might be true, people have many different tastes and there's lots of fetish content on this site. What might be appealing to one person could severely disturbing to another. It's best not to flash people (in my opinion) with a ton of expanded NSFW images if they do not want to expand them. Back when we had things auto expand and unblurred, I personally saw some things that I was not personally ready for. Not like they outright disturbed me or anything, but they were just more than I was bargaining for in that very moment.

And having no NSFW shown at all unless you make an account makes the site seem like it's way less active than it is. We've actually noticed a few new faces show up since we implemented the patch, I don't exactly know if it's due to the patch or not, but it's definitely noticeable.

We tried an app called Boost and didn't have any issues. And it'd be very difficult for us to make sure the site (which we are prioritizing the desktop experience for) worked on all the apps. Since they all might have their own little quirks as to how they grab/display content.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Disabled@burggit.moe to c/announcements@burggit.moe

Hey guys, it's been a long time. I was sick for awhile, so sick I have 2 hospital visits which almost landed me 6ft under. This is why I've basically been entirely absent the past few months. This has left Burger all alone to do both the public facing PR type stuff (which used to be my territory) and the backend.

Well, my situation is returning to normal, and thus I am also returning to Burggit. I'd like for you to voice your feedback and what you would like to change and any issues you have specifically.

Something I will be changing is, and I hate to be this guy who comes in and does this. I will be removing the 3Dloli community as I personally believe that community violates our at-a-glance policy. I can not tell the difference for most of these images "at a glance" and since I will be the one looking through these sorts of things for moderation. It's best for everyone involved that I am able to make good accurate decisions.

I also know that there's been issues with the Lemmy-NSFW fork being used, some people want us to fork it, make modifications to it and use that. I'm going to shoot this idea down now. Burggit is just me and Burger, there's no one else here, and we do have other things we like working on. We're not maintaining an entire special fork. It's likely that we will just go back to the main Lemmy branch, though I would be open to arguments against that or maybe even suggestions for already existing forks to use.

However, I think The Entire Circus made a good point in this post and personally, I agree with his points.

Anyway this is just kind of an initial post letting you know that I am returning and things will be changing. Hopefully this will be overall a good thing for everyone involved. Happy to be back.

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 6 points 10 months ago

Hello, I have given you a moderator role in this community. Simply cause more moderators are better, please note that this is now @Zuto's community now, so please comply with their rules/regulations.

If either [@Zuto}(https://burggit.moe/u/Zuto) or @StarryJoy would rather StarryJoy not be mod, I think as the head mod, Zuto should be abler to reverse it. (Ofrcourse you can always contact me and I will fix it too.)

I mainly did this because the rules which seemed to have been enforced then and the ones which are put in place and enforced now make it kinda perfect.

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 7 points 10 months ago

I never understood the point of so many loli/shota communities. In my opinion, half of them could be cut due to inactivity unoriginality or some other thing.

I will say the way you have conducted yourself in this post has been quite rude, like you mentioned yourself you can just make your own community (which you did.) Please refrain from such behavior in the future.

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 3 points 10 months ago

I am disabled.

submitted 10 months ago by Disabled@burggit.moe to c/general@burggit.moe

Shota.house is my own little twitter-esc social media website. This won't really be of any real importance to most people. But some of my users also use Burggit, so this is an attempt to try and get ahold of them.

Anyway, tried to update the software and it ended up giving me various problems, way more than I was expecting. I hope to resolve it before too long, but I am also currently sick, which might sllow things down slightly.

Sorry for the downtime.

submitted 11 months ago by Disabled@burggit.moe to c/askburggit@burggit.moe

My country is one I've been working on for a while, is called Shotaland! The fundamental principles of the country are Privacy and Freedom of Expression. The ideas of personal freedoms are deeply rooted in every single part of the Shotaland government. If you're not hurting anyone who doesn't/can't consent, you are free to do as you wish in the privacy of your own home.

Tell me about your fictional country and feel free to ask others about theirs! I thought this might be fun!

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I use NovelAI whenever I want to make a profile picture, banner or some other non-critical thing of that sort.

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 3 points 11 months ago

disa drooling want to suck those milkers. 🥛

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 4 points 11 months ago

:O I'm noticing a pattern here... With this info....we can locate the cunny disa yay

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 5 points 11 months ago

Do loli's just appear out of cunny lake? Or is it just a lake where loli's so happen to be?

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 5 points 11 months ago

What you don't see is just out of view of the "camera" there's a similar scene, a stampede of girls with varyingly large breasts all chasing after a little blonde haired Shota. disa drooling

submitted 11 months ago by Disabled@burggit.moe to c/askburggit@burggit.moe

I think if reincarnation was/is real it'd probably work regardless of time and creatures would be locked into their own categories. So like, humans could only reincarnate as other humans, for example.

When I say it'd work regardless of time, I mean like, if you died you could reincarnate as someone in the future or the past.

Kinda a silly discussion topic, but I thought it might be kinda interesting.

Current fixation? (burggit.moe)
submitted 11 months ago by Disabled@burggit.moe to c/askburggit@burggit.moe

Sometimes I get in these phases where I'm just fixated on 1 thing and I can't divert away from it. Lately it's been a project i'm working on, but sometimes it's a game, a show or some other thing. Are you fixated on anything at the moment?

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Pawoo is legendary for being bought out and having an issue with unmoderated content since then. Is probably the nicest way of putting it. They have a huge moderation problem since they got bought.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Disabled@burggit.moe to c/general@burggit.moe

Originally this post was me saying "oh, they refederated us." They didn't, they got hacked, lol. We've temporarily defederated with lemmy.world on our end (not that they federated with us anyway) until they get their shit back.

Bad joke inside. (burggit.moe)
submitted 11 months ago by Disabled@burggit.moe to c/general@burggit.moe

What's it called when someone has a kink for adding MSG to everything?

punchline (click to expand)Umami issues.

submitted 11 months ago by Disabled@burggit.moe to c/askburggit@burggit.moe

I have a weakness for blonde and green haired anime girls. Was thinking about it and kinda thought, hmmm, I wonder if others had preferences like that.


For me, the most important physical attributes would be a nice face (easy on the eyes) and ideally large breasts.

Personality wise, what I look for most is someone who is reasonable. Someone I can talk to about pretty much anything without fear of judgement or rash accusations.

I'm married, so I'm obviously not looking for a partner, but I thought this would be an interesting question, so I thought I'd ask.

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 7 points 1 year ago

Just want to chime in here, if you don't want to see NSFW content you can hide it on your profile. Only reason I'm pointing this out is because this particular comment seems to have the goal of hiding NSFW content from view in general. Something entirely possible in Lemmy profile settings as seen in the attached image.

[-] Disabled@burggit.moe 3 points 1 year ago

Best form of advertisement we could ever hope for.

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joined 1 year ago