
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 5 months ago

I am one of those weirdos, I guess. 3 has better tone and also I get to go John Brown on slavers

[–] 22 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

“What makes you think I sit here in silence?“

“Im stuck living with people who think anyone that is a shade of brown is less than human and that having an immigration policy is silly when we have guns and ammo. I cant reach these people and help them see that it cant be simplified in to black and white by calling them stupid and being dismissive of their feelings and now their identity has been tied into their "political" team.”

Considering you are still living with them, still describing them as racists, but are too afraid to call them racist…

“ I just use a different tactic to try to win over my neighbors”

And we can see how well that’s working out for you

[–] 28 points 7 months ago (5 children)

“ stuck living with people who think anyone that is a shade of brown is less than human and that having an immigration policy is silly when we have guns and ammo. I cant reach these people and help them see that it cant be simplified in to black and white by calling them stupid and being dismissive of their feelings and now their identity has been tied into their "political" team”

Silence is complicity. From your own descriptions you are coddling people who would kill anybody who’s not white and you want to come in here, handwringing and taking up all the oxygen in the discussion because your feelings were hurt because you respect Bernie.

I guess someone who’s too afraid to call a racist a racist WOULD look up to Bernie.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago

The Bistromath from hitchhikers guide, best ship ever.

I would name mine something shitposty like Sink’r’Swim

[–] 16 points 7 months ago
[–] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Shining Force! A TTRPG from 1992. The music and character design are really about a decade ahead of everything else that was available then. If you level one of your characters up to lv 10, you can “evolve” them into a different sprite that lets them wield better gear. This was my comfort game growing up, and was remastered for GBA in 2004. If you like it, don’t play the prequel, only the sequel.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

My mother always said that if people bled from their eyes or had massive losses of weight it might work. Might.

I kind of see what she means, but I think they’d kill us all for the economy rather than shut down again.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Personally, the book Hardwired and movie Logan’s Run had the biggest effect on me. eXistenZ came close as well, and Neuromancer and it’s sequels are classics. As far as ttrpgs, Shadowrun and Cyberpunk have unique things to offer, but I continually find myself drawn to the “stranger in a strange land” trope perpetuated by the show Futurama and tabletop games like Metamorphosis Alpha and Journey to the Barrier Peaks.