[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 4 points 1 week ago

It would be nice if they would add some of the new game modes to the sortie rotation. It's nice that they've done that they've added some of the new missions from Zaramin/Sanctum to the steel path rotation and Omnia Fissures though.

submitted 1 week ago by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/warframe@dormi.zone
submitted 3 weeks ago by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/soulframe@dormi.zone

Similar format to Warframe's Dev Shorts, just some insight into what's currently going on in preludes. Not sure how frequently they're planning on making these, but probably less frequent than Dev Shorts. (The 4 just refers to the current version of preludes, not that there have been 4 of these filmed previously.)

0:00 - Intro
0:40 - Things coming to Preludes 4
2:25 - Another armor set being added
2:55 - Idols
3:55 - Teasing WIP enemies and working on enemy diversity
4:54 - Q&A Questions asked by players currently in Preludes
5:24 - Will any progression from preludes carry over?"
6:33 - Will drop rates be transparent?
7:15 - Any unusual weapons planned?
7:59 - Movement/parkour system?
10:05 - Fashion/customization
11:39 - How much are the devs lurking in chat to collect feedback?

The game is currently in pre-alpha so things mentioned might not be present in the final game or be very different in their final state.

2000 invites typically go out every Wednesday by email if you've registered your Envoy Title. People have mentioned that the email has sometimes been sent to spam, so it might be worth checking there occasionally.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/soulframe@dormi.zone

A collection of cosmetics/weapons currently in game and some flavor text. Some of this content has spoilers and placeholder content (i.e. abilities and descriptions). Things are currently pre-pre-pre-alpha so here's a peek at what's currently in game but may be changed/reworked or might not make it to the final release.

Starter WeaponsStarter Weapons
Starter Weapons

Non-Starter Weapons (Obtained after quest/farming)Non Starter
Non Starter

Tempest Armor Set (Starter)Tempest
Tempest Armor Set
*There is a second starter armor set which only recently became available, will have to update this later to show it.

Fenn Armor Set (Obtained through farming)Fenn
Fenn Jotar Armor Set

Garren Set (Quest)Garren
Garren Armor Set

Pacts (Two Starter and one Quest)
All Pacts
Garren Description
Garren Description

Pact Abilities (Two Starter Pacts and Quest Pact)

Slightly NSFW

Underwear for anyone that likes running around in a souls game without armor (NSFW)Links instead of embedded images, I've had issues where apps weren't working correctly with spoiler tags and don't want to have something slightly nsfw embedded.

Underwear and item description.

[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 4 points 2 months ago

Getting Dante is generally less grindy than some of the more recent frames especially with the pity system they added. It also came with some nice updates like better markers for Disruption and in a recent patch, made Rage/Hunter Adrenaline/Vex Armor usable even with overguard active.

From the time I've spent playing him, he feels mostly like a caster/Equinox with faster ramp-up and better survivability. I tend to play more weapon buff focus frames like Harrow/Wisp/Saryn with augments so Dante probably isn't really the frame for me. He isn't a bad choice though for anyone that likes caster style warframes/nukes though assuming you're fine with line of sight checks.

[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 4 points 3 months ago
[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 4 points 3 months ago

Sorry about that, thought I had the URL in there. You also need to scroll down a bit to find the terminal.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/warframe@dormi.zone

Guess the password to unlock get the Dex Color Pallet and a Clem glyph.

Warframe Anniversary Link You will have to scroll down the page a bit to find the puzzle.


[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 5 points 3 months ago

No issues for me on desktop this time!

[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 6 points 3 months ago

The Synth Scanner has always been like that. What you need to do to fix the particle trails is swap to a gun and aim down sights, then pull out the Synth Scanner again and the trails should update.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/soulframe@dormi.zone

Map without Labels


Map with Labels


Secondary Map without Labels

::: spoiler spoiler


[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 4 points 4 months ago

A good point to start is just running the daily public missions to get Primary/Secondary Arcanes, and the steel essence required to purchase adapters from Teshin.
Hildryn isn't a bad choice for steel path, Pillage is great for armor strip, she's very tanky and had some minor CC if you take her Blazing Pillage Augment. If you really want to use Hildryn for the infested, it might be worth putting Harrow's ability on her or the Rakta Dark Dagger to regenerate shields.

submitted 4 months ago by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/soulframe@dormi.zone

Hi Envoys! An update is coming this week for the Preludes build. Soulframe Preludes 1.1 will usher in an array of additions, changes, and fixes. We will also be sending out more invite emails! We thank you all for your continued patience as this world comes to life.

Invites require you have registered your Envoy Title at https://www.soulframe.com/.

[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 4 points 4 months ago

Equinox is kind of interesting having two frames in one.

Its passive could use a QOL update to match the recent change to equilibrium, allowing Equinox to pick up health orbs if its energy isn't full. I'd also like to be able to forma/mod the two forms independently (like Sevagoth) because of how energy hungry the night form is. Unfortunately, Equinox is a very RNG heavy farm, so it probably wouldn't be worth the extra time and resources to do this.

It would also be nice enemies with overguard were still effected by CC/Debuffs, but with diminished effectiveness, rather than the all or nothing approach.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/soulframe@dormi.zone

Screenshots showing some of the in-game areas present in https://www.soulframe.com/en/media
*None of the images here are spoilers if you've already seen the gameplay trailer.

Imgur album with everything shown here and some slight variations (same scenes which may have slightly better/worse lighting/camera placement). Mostly here as a fallback for any mobile apps that have issues viewing embeds/links behind spoiler tags.

Tree Overhanging Path

Dead End Room

Dead End Room looking back

Central Dungeon


Sleeping next to Animals

Some random extras



Load Screen

Launcher Art

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/soulframe@dormi.zone

More Q&A, bug hunting and coding

[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 3 points 6 months ago

If they're on PC, they can try clicking the settings cog on the launcher and verify their downloads cache. (No clue how to do this on console)

The only other thing I can think of checking is to make sure your Network Ports are set to different values if you're on the same network. Warframe will usually pester you if multiple people on the same network are using the same ports, so this probably isn't your issue, but you can find it under Settings > System > Network Ports. Any value is fine there as long as it is set to something different from the settings used for your game.

If you still run into issues, you might have to make a bug report on the forums to let them know that certain dynamic/interactable objects, like the hatches Zaramin, are indestructible while your partner is playing as a client. Still no clue what's going on with Lua but at least that one seems pretty minor because it's in a vault where only used for that mission and it's in the state for an alternate path rather than a state preventing completing the mission.

[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 4 points 6 months ago

I'm guessing that you're playing as a squad, and that they are the Client while you're the Host. These sound like some issues with host vs client game states and were actually pretty common on the Zaramin at launch with the destructible objects hiding hidden paths, though I thought they fixed it there.

I have noticed that joining mid-mission into the new tileset that the grates aren't destructible for me. I'm guessing these were already destroyed before I loaded in and my game did not load their current state resulting in an unbreakable object. (was the same bug on the Zaramin, but I don't think it required loading in mid-game for them to be unbreakable for clients).

That last mission sounds like Lua Spy? Not too sure what's going on there, other than their game probably thinks something already triggered the chandelier to fall.

Have you tried to repeat any of this with your partner hosting and you being the client?

submitted 6 months ago by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/soulframe@dormi.zone

Steve playing the Soulframe Preludes, some random Q&A and showing off environment.

Some spoilers, although this is considered pre-alpha so not sure how different the final version of this will be.

[Spoiler] Sunrise (dormi.zone)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/soulframe@dormi.zone

So it seems that people participating in the Soulframe preludes testing is able to share screenshots. I'll try to keep anything posted as generic and non-spoilery as possible, and provide clear descriptions of what the screenshot will contain. (generic landscapes, no UI, npcs or anything shown beyond the demo shown at Tennocon.)

For anyone that does want to see more, there is a preludes-screenshot channel on the official Soulframe Discord.
*Does contain some mild spoilers (Equipment/NPCs/Areas not shown off in the demo)


Imgur Link incase mobile apps have any issues loading embedded images

This is a bit of a test post to make sure embedded images are hidden correctly, and I'll change to links only if anyone notices spoilers not hiding images correctly.

Also, just a warning that some future posts may contain mild spoilers (i.e. weapons/armor not shown in the Tennocon demo but have been posted in the public discord). Posts will have a clear description highlighting the possible spoiler so that you can choose to view an image or avoid it.

Currently only screenshots and discussions can be shared.

Cumulus Collection from Steam (store.steampowered.com)
submitted 6 months ago by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/warframe@dormi.zone

Add the Cumulus Collection to your Arsenal for free! These fashionable items will be available to claim through Steam from December 15, 2023 to January 10, 2024.

The Cumulus Collection includes:

  • Cirrus Armor Bundle
  • Cumulus Syandana
  • Stratus Pistol Skin
  • Spektaka Color Palette
  • 3-day Resource Booster

This has been given out before, so there's a good chance you already have everything from this collection.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Dystopia@dormi.zone to c/soulframe@dormi.zone

DE has started sending out emails to some people who have registered accounts for Soulframe already, and are also doing small giveaways on the Soulframe Discord channel.
Check your emails incase you were part of the first batch of giveaways, the Discord giveaways seem to pretty frequent but much fewer given out.

*I think it's limited to PC only so far.

[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Ash is the damage orientated stealth frame and works great for dealing with high level enemies thanks to being able to Armor strip and Forced Slash procs. A couple drawbacks have been how hard it has been to acquire his parts, and inconsistency with his third ability activating, often only teleporting you to the target instead of opening the enemy to a finisher/performing a finisher with the augment.

The missions types that I like to use Ash for are Disruption and Survival, and while Ash works for Spy, there are other better options depending on how fast/easy you want to be on these missions.

Shuriken + Seeking Shuriken - A pretty basic ability and works great for quickly striping the armor off of important targets like Demolysts and Acolytes.

Smoke Screen + Smoke Shadow - The ability offer's great survivability, while I probably wouldn't bother with the Smoke Shadow augment. It might be useful for anyone trying to push a Kubrow to 50% crit chance for the Tenacious Bond bonus though.
*I think invisibility still prevents sentinels from attacking, so you're probably better off taking an animal based companion if you want a companion that does anything beyond being a vacuum in a mission.

Teleport + Fatal Teleport - Works great (*when it does work) with weapons that have Forced Slash procs on Finisher attacks like Rapiers. Unfortunately Mercy kills have priority over finisher kills, so if you were relying on this ability for gimmicks like charging the Arca Titron's Slam Capacitor, an enemy in Mercy Kill range will not provide a charge towards it. Enemies with Overguard are not opened to finisher attacks making this ability less useful.
With the current state of game balance around Overguard, I would probably remove this ability and replace it with Kullervo's Wrathful Advance, as this ability synergizes with Blade Storm's ability to quickly build 12x melee combo, and also provides teleport to Crosshair on hold which is very useful for bypassing lasers in Spy Vaults. Unfortunately I think this subsume has a high barrier to obtaining due to Kullervo being in Duviri and locked behind certain cycles.
Wrathful Advance Teleport

Blade Storm + Rising Storm - This ability generally works pretty good for clearing out groups of enemies thanks to its forced slash procs bypassing armor, mild CC, and quickly building combo for his third ability to scale off of. The augment provides both combo duration and increases the amount of combo gained/hit by Blade Storm, making 12x Heavy Attack builds more appealing.

[-] Dystopia@dormi.zone 4 points 11 months ago

From what I understand reading this thread, if instanceA goes down, any images hosted there are lost, while the comments will still exist because they're federated. You're only shifting the responsibility of hosting the image from a site like imgur to the home instance of the poster.

I guess it comes down to if you're concerned about how long your home instance is going to be around for, use an external host, or see if/when account migrations are added if images move too (although they would also have to fix the src for wherever the image is now being hosted)

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