[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 1 points 1 hour ago

I don’t have an answer to your pronoun question, but hearing somebody else’s voice in the log jumped out at me as well. If it has happened before, it is pretty rare.

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 3 points 1 hour ago

I wasn't expecting Wesley, but I enjoyed how he was used this season. Considering he was able to fling the Enterprise to a different galaxy with his mind, I didn't see anything in this season that bothered me regarding his "powers".

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 2 points 1 hour ago

I'm not sure exactly what I thought was going to be behind the mid 20th century vault door, but it certainly wasn't Wesley Crusher. I didn't hate it either. Was the sweater that he was wearing one that he wore in TNG? It seemed very familiar.

The Loom are terrifying. We've seen "getting erased completely from history" before with the Krenim time weapon (VOY: Year of Hell), but this version seemed so much worse to me.

I loved the bit regarding all the separate realities, including the "oops you aren't supposed to know that" regarding the mycelial plane.

Seeing Janeway take on the Loom by herself in a shuttle reminded me of her taking on the macrovirus in VOY: Macrocosm.

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 2 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

What a ride these two episodes were.

A few of my favorite moments:

  • Gillian (the whale!) piloting the ship through the wormhole
  • Wesley finally calling his mom, but then showing up behind her as a surprise
  • The tie-in to the Picard synth attach at the end where the crew reacts to seeing the Mars attack on the news
  • Janeway pushing to continue some scientific and humanitarian missions

I do have a question though. I have been getting "these two people seem to want to get together vibes" in between Chakotay and Janeway starting in the episode "Cracked Mirror". Was this just wishful thinking on my part?

Speaking of relationships, were holo-Janeway and the Doctor flirting?

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 2 points 1 hour ago

I want to make sure that I understood what was happening in the scene where the turbo lift door opens and they see an alternate reality... Those were the Enderprizians from "All the World's a Stage", right?

Since we never got a mirror universe episode in Voyager (not counting "Living Witness"), I enjoyed Mulgrew and Beltran getting to give us a quick glimpse of what it would have been like.

I loved the callback from Chakotay regarding the events from the VOY episode "Shattered".

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 1 points 2 hours ago

I will say that the Voyager-A is a beautiful ship and I hope we get to see more of her.

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 2 points 2 hours ago

I probably should have made comments while watching the episodes, as I'm sure I am forgetting a lot of details, but Prodigy seems to have picked up where it left off with regard to the quality of its episodes.


@GoodAaron@mastodon.social is joining for a Prodigy "Preludes" watchalong, as well as an AMA afterwards to promote season 2 of Prodigy.

Message on Mastodon.

Time: 9PM ET

I'll leave it for you to get the Discord link from his message just in case it is changed before tonight.

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 9 points 3 weeks ago

I contribute a bit and as far as I know the only editor that lets you upload pictures is MapComplete, but even then what you can upload them for is very limited. I do not believe OSM actually has an image database. The pictures I’ve uploaded are all stored on Imgur.

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 44 points 1 month ago

I have no strong feelings about this one way or the other.

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 10 points 1 month ago

I've seen a lot of disagreement but I agree with you.

When Discovery was first announced, I thought the Crossfield class ship was the ugliest thing I had ever seen. At this point in time, I can't believe we only have two episodes to go. I've become more attached to Discovery than I was with Voyager. It is probably wishful thinking, but I hope we see Discovery and her crew once in a while in the Starfleet Academy show, maybe a straight to Paramount+ movie in a few years.

I really enjoyed season one and the ending to season 4 is probably my most favorite set of episodes in all of Star Trek. I feel like the shows wings are getting clipped right after they grew.

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 13 points 1 month ago

I always thought the planet was Angel I, but it is actually Rubicun III in the episode “Justice”.

[-] End0fLine@programming.dev 33 points 4 months ago

I've worked in hospital systems since I graduated from college. There has been one meeting (out of all the meetings!) that I have absolutely never forgotten due to something that was brought up.

They thought it was super cool to talk about how much cash our new surgical center was bringing in. I know it was small in the scheme of things, but in my head a hospital should be super happy when they don't have to perform surgery on a person. They shouldn't be happy to perform surgery so that they can make money.

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