
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

And what does that mean?

[–] 1 points 5 months ago (2 children)

In lay terms, without referring to graphics, what does that mean? ELI5, please? People keep saying left and right like it means something.

[–] 4 points 5 months ago

The circus is the US. The ringmaster is in DC. We all live in the circus, surrounded by clowns and lions, but if you set the tarp on fire, we all burn. We need a new circus.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago (7 children)

And yet, it wasn't explained how Democrats are conservatives, whatever that means. I just hear Republicans are conservative, now this one rando is saying Dems are conservative, what does that even mean, anymore? What does democrat or republican mean if they are being accused of being the same? How are they the same?

[–] 5 points 5 months ago (10 children)

Elaborate, please? How are Democrats Republicans, and if they aren't, what is the difference? I genuinely don't understand.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Why? Shit floats.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Here's the thing... Feeling sexy is, well, hot. Feeling good about yourself, can elicit a physical response. It isn't uncommon to get an erection or feel aroused when you feel good about yourself, and euphoria can make you feel very good about yourself.

If you haven't yet, take a look at

It's a pretty good read, going through the history and science of gender dysphoria/transgender/two spirit/all that stuff. Good luck on your journey!

[–] 36 points 8 months ago

While I consider dude a gender neutral term, if someone asked me to stop calling them dude, I would, as it is respectful to them.

[–] 9 points 8 months ago

At the same time, this douchebag wants to specifically target kids who are playing pretend to make their miserable lives bearable, just to distract from real issues like trans bills, don't say gay, and governmental corruption.

[–] 21 points 8 months ago (7 children)

Did you know: Puberty blockers cause ZERO harm to children, and to reverse the effects, which will allow puberty to continue its course, just stop the medicine!

This adolescent person that is nearly the age of majority will now have to suffer anxiety, body image issues, potential suicidal and self-harm ideation, and general misery, because the a person decided that what this other person was doing for self care, and to improve their mental health, was wrong. I'm so glad these lawmakers with NO BIAS and MEDICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE are making laws, that are obviously not for any agenda and hurting nobody in particular, because trans people like me aren't actually real people and shouldn't be allowed to be comfortable in their own body.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

What do you mean "excuses to permit yourself to date?" Have you just... not have had therapy for your abusive nature? How do you deal with your "idea of having dominance" in public/at work? You wanted to be dominant over girls when you were, like, 4?

In short, what?


I was playing one of my "therapy games;" a game that, like, I use for therapy, ya know? I saw a line I hadn't seen:

"Thank you for showing these monsters how to love."

Context aside, it got me thinking, self-reflecting.

I've been trying to "set aside" our arguments, trying to show my brother, my mom I'm still me.

I'm trying to love them, despite how I feel they have slighted me. I'm trying to show them how to love.

Before you write them off completely, try to show the monsters in your life how to love (with healthy boundaries, of course). The results may surprise you.


I am having issues letting go of my family. My dad, he's awesome. Bought me a bunch of makeup and nails polish and is just generally wonderful.

My mom and one of my brothers at least are giant thundercunts. My brother cut me out of my nephew's life cuz 8 "is too young to be thinking of gender identity," even though they have been saying "it's a boy" since the ultrasound. My mom is standing up for my brothers parental rights, yet won't even say my brother is being a dickheaded bigot. "Cuz I'm 37 and old enough to fight my own battles"

I want my mom and my brothers. I'm really sad and hurt. I have told them as such. They do not care. How do I cut them out and let them go. It's really hard.

I'm just torturing myself every day, trying to win them over. It hurts that they don't care. I want them in my life, but not if they are going to be filled with so much hate.



I just wanted to share that you don't have to be "traditionally beautiful" to be considered a woman. I am a woman. I am aware I don't conform to society's vision of a woman. But I am a woman.


So, my kid had a corset they weren't using. They said it was too big. So... They let me try it on and it looks so feminizing, even under a shirt! I put on my sticky nude bra thing with it, and God it feels so good! It may not be much boobage, but hell, I look down and see something other than man-belly now!

Btw, what apps do you use to connect to lemmy? I've been using Connect, but can never seem to upload pics or anything? I wanna show off, I feel cute! 🥺


When I talk to myself, sometimes I call myself my dead name, or my gender I don't associate myself with. I am self-aware enough to know I've associated myself as male and [name] for thirty-seven years, but it annoys me I haven't made that connection in my brain somewhere that yes, I'm a girl, my name is Eshe. I feel it in my soul, so why is my brain being such an ass?


She wanted to see me on her lunch break. I was nervous. I warned her I would be in girlmode, and, to be honest, ladies, I don't think I have a boymode any more.

I feel like it went really well. The first thing she did was cry and hug me, telling me I've been through so much. We talked about the subsect of Christians that only have hate. We talked about how I came to this decision. About the kids. About what the next steps forward is. She wanted to really impress on me that she loves me, through and through.

Sometimes, it really is all in your head. Sometimes, I know it isn't. Regardless, you are loved. I wish to formally extend my support and love to whoever needs it. Don't forget, this community, it's for us. We can try to be the support network you need, if you feel like you have no one else to turn to. You all have been so wonderful to me, helping with my questions as I come to terms with myself. Don't be like I used to be, just lurking, afraid to ask. This is our safe space. There are no stupid questions. I love y'all.

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