
joined 2 years ago
[–] ExLisper@linux.community 5 points 1 year ago

AFAIK Minecraft is not like water, you can live without it.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 3 points 1 year ago

A lot of tourists go to Rome you know. In Spain Burger king is usually full of tourists while locals eat tapas.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 25 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Corporations are making more money as everyone suffers? Everything according to the plan then.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I still don't understand why PDAs are no longer a thing. Make a phone a bit thicker, add ports, thumb keyboard... I remember being able to SSH to servers from my Zaurus and actually do things using the hardware keyboard. Or SSH to my n900 and install packages there. With android I just lost the interest. It doesn't feel like a personal computer anymore.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 7 points 1 year ago

Yep, corporations denied us this feature long enough that most of us gave up and stopped trying. Sometimes I wish I was just another mindless consumer loving everything that's new and shiny instead of liking actually useful things...

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

In Spain, which is way way more progressive than US, women get unlimited paid leave during pregnancy (as in you can go to as many medical appointments as you want, there's no cap) and normal appointments are still not covered. My guess is that covering all of the appointments would mean quite a big hit for the economy while the amount of times a woman will get pregnant is very limited and will not cause such issues.

Also, if you need to get out to breath the air quality at your workplace doesn't meet the legal requirements and should be fixed.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

I never wanted kids but if I could get 40 hours off for having one I would have like 10. /s

Seriously, it's just 40 hours that most women will use once or twice in their lives and they get it for doing something exhausting, very painful and pretty dangerous. On top of that as society you actually need at least some women to do it. Are people really jealous about 40 hours of leave sprinkled on top of the shit experience that pregnancy is? That's some new levels of egoism...

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's what virtualization is for.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 6 points 1 year ago

That also doesn't happen to me.

The last time I had Windows installed anywhere was around 15 years ago.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 2 points 1 year ago

I had a quick look and yeah, $100 for a good, wireless keyboard is not that much. It definitely happened to me once or twice that I had to type directly on my Raspberry Pi fresh after installation when I didn't have my key mappings set up there. Other than that I just switch single USB cable between two computers on the same desk and that's it. If I ever have to work on a Mac again I will take another look tough. Do they have Linux software?

[–] ExLisper@linux.community -1 points 1 year ago

Relax, no one here is saying that rape is ok. What people have issue with is actually calling it "virtual rape". It's stupid and pretty offensive to actual rape victims. Trying to classify it as a sexual offense in legal terms doesn't make any sense. It's all just avatars and animations. It would be possible for 10 year old boys to "virtually rape" grown women or even for 10 year old girls to virtually rape grown men. What's next? Assaulting people by showing them images? Fraud charges for rick rolling someone?

Common sense approach is to say that if this would happen repeatedly to a user and it would be intentionally directed at them in order to make them leave the game it could be considered harassment. Same as sending someone offensive messages. That's it.

[–] ExLisper@linux.community 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

We actually could make a game about raping people. Do you think raping someone in a game would be illegal? it's not illegal to kill someone in a game.

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