[-] FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz 2 points 6 hours ago

Yeah, thank you. English ain't my first language

[-] FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz 13 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

It's footage found by Technodad, edited by TommyInnit to memorialize Techblade. o7

[-] FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz 4 points 11 hours ago

The Swiss aren't very neutral when it comes to wanting their soccer team to win, to be honest

[-] FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz 6 points 1 day ago

Alright, would that be all for today?

[-] FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz 2 points 1 day ago

yeah no i think i might block you, their joke was clearly better than your "fake ad"

[-] FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz 3 points 2 days ago

Alright, thanks man :)

I think at the time of taking the photo, I might have still believed that a larger F-Stop means the aperture is wider. But this comment section has taught me a lot since then!

[-] FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz 22 points 2 days ago

tf are you on about huh

[-] FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz 6 points 2 days ago

Mom I'm on TV

[-] FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Thanks for the nice response :)

I've heard Darktable a lot, and I've actually looked at it before, but it looked intimidating and I did not yet really have any photos I could try to edit, so I continued doing that first. As for the webcam thing: I have a capture card, and it kinda works, but I'm not too sure on how to get a clean output through the HDMI port.

However, I'll definitely look into those things :D

As for the lens thing: I don't think I'll spend money on new lenses immediately, and if I was, I'd look for cheap used ones. I kinda wanna create art and not necessarily perfection, and also I don't like spending money xd

I think it's about finding character in the gear you have.

[-] FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz 4 points 2 days ago

Yeah, I'm sorry for the image not loading. I uploaded it in full res and my instances server doesn't have the best bandwidth, so it may time out.

Here it is on Imgur:

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz to c/photography@lemmy.ml

A few days ago, I got myself a Canon EOS 700D DSLR camera along with a Canon EFS 18-55mm lens for about $160. Until now, I've only ever used point-and-shoots, like my smartphone or my "Kodak" Pixpro AZ401.

So, it's basically the first time I get to properly play around with the exposure triangle and all that good, manual stuff. I already love this camera, because despite the low cost, you can get great shots in auto mode out of the box, but it's also very versatile in professional photography. All that, and I still haven't even gotten into editing raw photos; this is just the JPG!

This particular photo of a garden shed was shot with:

ISO: 6400
Exposure: 1/395s
Aperture: f/14
Focal length: 46mm
Resolution: 5184x3456

From what I've heard, those settings aren't ideal, especially the high ISO for that much light. Does anybody have some general tips for me or resources to check out?

By the way, I also just installed Magic Lantern. That's some great stuff. Oh, and also - if anyone has a good way to connect it as a webcam on Linux, that's also very welcome since EOS Utility doesn't work and Gphoto2 is very low-res. The first thing I didn't get properly running on Linux!


Why are they still using Windows??

You're ok. (lemmy.ohaa.xyz)
Another McDonald's. (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 weeks ago by FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz to c/pbsod@lemmy.ohaa.xyz
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz to c/linux@lemmy.ml
A literal Windows error (lemmy.ohaa.xyz)
submitted 3 weeks ago by FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz to c/pbsod@lemmy.ohaa.xyz

(Stolen from EmKay, but can't find original from r*ddit) (again)

Happens to the best (lemmy.ohaa.xyz)
submitted 3 weeks ago by FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz to c/antimeme@lemmy.world
Happens to the best (lemmy.ohaa.xyz)
submitted 3 weeks ago by FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz to c/memes@lemmy.ml
Poor little display (lemmy.ohaa.xyz)
submitted 3 weeks ago by FQQD@lemmy.ohaa.xyz to c/pbsod@lemmy.ohaa.xyz

(Shamelessly stolen out of an EmKay video, which they shamelessly stole from r*ddit)

I'm 14 and this is rule (lemmy.ohaa.xyz)
Mhhhh hagelslag (lemmy.ohaa.xyz)
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joined 10 months ago