No, it was added to the Geneva convention in 1977
I'm a bad boy. I'm a boy and am literally bad at everything :(
Love it on X, needs some work on wayland yet.
holy hell!
Roses are red, violets are blue, sod off.
"a single user says..."
The daily dot is a fucking joke.
fair enough, but I find them funny.
that was a particularly large one, but lots of people old enough at any given time will feel the world is changing and that it's somehow dangerous.
I agree, some of the time the changes are much larger than others, but there will always at any given time be people that feel this is true about their particular time.
why not both?
If parents keep throwing kids into the public piranha tub, I'm absolutely blaming the parents, but I will still question why we keep a public piranha tub.
ashamed?! I'd be proud as fuck!
I played that game as a kid, back when some of the now bluey staff probably did the same.