[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 22 points 2 days ago

If you like the. You should try Or better yet host unbound pihole if you’re up to the challenge. Best dns experience I’ve had.

[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

Nothing, I was just stating that the only real option for an easy Nvidia Wayland experience right now is kde. If anything it’s a complement.

[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Valve thought it was appropriate when they made the steam deck.

[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

They are running Nvidia. Their only option for Wayland is kde.

[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Jesus Christ. Have people never heard of covers? Every song here is in some way or another akin to a published cover of another song. Pretty bad ones at that. Obviously if it were matching the songs one for one, then it would be considered copywrite enforceable but realistically these would be more along the lines of copywrite abuse. The music labels would absolutely love for this precedent to be set so that anything even that remotely resembles anything ever made will allow them to own new independent artists within established genres.

The cases

Here is a list of cases that set precedent. The thing that connects them all and makes them relevant is that the defendant was either successful, made a lot of money, was very popular or it was the label attacking a artist for sounding like themself after leaving the band. See John Fogerty v. John Fogerty

[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

Yeah, I’ve been testing nouveau with NVK+zinc. Can definitely confirm that the Nvidia open source drivers are getting better and it’s happening fast. Desktop experience is nearly flawless now except quite a few games still don’t work and Nvidia specific features are disabled(cuda, rtx, dlss). AMD is def the way to go for a good experience on Linux.

I’m just hoping to see things change seeing as Nvidia hired the nouveau maintainer and he has been contributing directly to nouveau using his Nvidia provided email here as of late.

[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 31 points 4 months ago

As a sysadmin and self-hoster this decision will absolutely make me drop Apple 150%. A clean and well implemented pwa was a big reason I have stuck with my iPhone 12 despite buying a pixel 7. I know there are options on Android but they all have issues either in ux or in ui that makes it very obvious I’m using a pwa.

[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 17 points 5 months ago

Would have been nice if they actually shipped devices to people who paid.

[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 43 points 7 months ago

What is it with these “allegations”? This is the kind of stuff they would brag about on investor calls.

[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 90 points 11 months ago

I would say it’s a lot more than discord. Putting it that way doesn’t give it as much credit as it deserves. My favorite out of the laundry list of features and benefits is that you can synchronize your messaging across all platforms into a single interoperable client if your choosing. You can use a better standard while not having to bug others to switch.

[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago

I love Jami, that being said it has one massive problem. In order for it to be usable on local networks you need to either port forward the peer to peer port, set up a proxy relay or use the proxy relay that Jami provides. That’s not a big deal to set up or make any of those changes but they are things that need to be done. There is no real warning about it and when you are using mobile it works just fine due to cg-nat so the problem ends up seeming intermittent. Like I said I love Jami but I don’t think it will ever really be a contender for a mainstream chat platform unless they make some pretty big changes to how relays are handled or become more transparent about this particular problem in the setup process.

That being said… Matrix is pretty rad. Like really really rad. Go look at that. It feels a lot more like a federated chat service because it is designed from the ground up to be that. Plus interoperability with clients is cool. Plus if you set up your own server then you can add bridges to sync all of your accounts to use matrix so that you don’t have to force anyone to leave their respective platforms and you can have one unified repository for all of your messaging. Basically means you get to use what you want and other people can use what they want. Go look at it now. Go on git.


[-] Fuzzypyro@lemmy.world 56 points 11 months ago

I think something that a lot of the comments are missing here is the fact that threads, Instagram and Facebook all have been migrated from individual accounts to ‘meta’ accounts. I’m certain that we will see this happen with many platforms unless there is a serious shift in data protection laws. I don’t personally think it’s great that it’s the case but that’s just how it is. The meta platform is quite similar to how google migrated YouTube users to google accounts way back in the day. This monolithic structure ensures that they can keep your user data in a more streamlined database. From a sys admin and a business perspective it makes a lot of sense. From a user who doesn’t care and already uses all of those services perspective it makes a lot of sense. From a privacy conscious user perspective it makes no sense. Then again metas platform is in no way for the user who cares how their data is being handled.

I guess another perspective is talking about interoperability. It kind of feels like they are taking the web3 (I know it’s a loaded term) approach but instead of applying it in a way that allows free development and communication in a way that basically pulls from decentralized/distributed databases you instead get a centralized monolithic model that creates interoperability within their own walled garden.

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