[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 22 points 9 months ago

I'd bet my last tooth that the slimy weasel gets the booster shot himself.

[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago

Does he want some brown coloured ones to add to his collection?

[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

It's £18.99. Is the £12.99 you paid converted to GPB from your own currency?

[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

Why the laugh? Did I miss something obvious?

[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago
[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Can someone explain what this means. The ads/tracking is not activated in Sync for Lemmy? If so, why have it in the code.

[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 15 points 11 months ago

That seems fair. I'm in the camp that is really hesitant to take on another subscription but also understand that this your living and it has to be worthwhile for you.

where is everyone? (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by Gazumbo@lemmy.world to c/drunk@lemmy.world

^^ title

[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

I'm tech literate but I wouldn't consider myself technical compared to a lot of people here. I struggle with adapting to new concepts. Takes a while to get my head around them.

For instance (no pun intended) when twitter shat the bed and I heard about Mastodon being an alternative. I looked to into it but it seemed a bit overwhelming to figure out.

Fast forward to Reddit shitting the bed and the bits of knowledge learned from Mastodon helped me in converting to Lemmy.

I'm mid 40's and it's really frustrating that I can't figure things out like I could in my teens and 20's.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Gazumbo@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

Since yday I haven't been able to sign in to either of my accounts in Connect. I get the following error.

Edit: I'm on 1.0.80 beta

[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 11 points 11 months ago

One of its plus points (no pun intended) was that it was the first social media platform to allow more granular control over who saw your posts. You could people to 'circles' and limit posts to which ever circles of friends you selected (if I'm remembering this correctly).

I think at that time on Facebook, you only had the option of Public, Friends or Private. It spurred Facebook on to introduce more granular control as well. So if nothing else, Google+ was good for that.

[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago

One of the things that probably killed it was Google enforcing people to use their real names on there. Which of course affected also commenting on YouTube as well.

I quite liked Google+ overall. Would have been good to have a proper competitor to Facebook.

[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 26 points 11 months ago

I'd say this is worth another riot.

[-] Gazumbo@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

But when you eventually poop your in the middle of human a human centipede

submitted 1 year ago by Gazumbo@lemmy.world to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

If I leave the app for a short time, I come back and it tells me 'not_logged_in' and to perform any task it prompts me to log in. Even after doing this, it still shows these messages until I choose 'switch to account' in the side menu.

Problem is, not only does it log me out again after a short time. My account disappears from the side menu and I have to 'add account' again. Strangely, even though it forgets my account, if I tap the person icon on the bottom right of the screen, it's still listed there.

I'm using lemmy.world and android 13.

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