Sometimes i find people will also use it as a 'discussion shut down' when they don't want to get pulled into a larger conversation about politics.

They have their reasons, like knowing they have little knowledge on the subject, or knowing the person they're talking to and not wishing to engage with them too heavily (i may be guilty of employing this tactic at times).

[-] 10 points 1 month ago

So i just just discovered these communities tonight, but these seem unique and awesome!



Sometimes means testing can become more expensive and time consuming than just getting the benefit out the door to everyone.

Plus its less popular because you inevitably have the murdoch-whingers crying about the less wealthy being undeserving by dint of their lack of wealth, and also people complaining over edge cases that miss out.

[-] 11 points 1 month ago

Glad you've put a little more meat on the bone. Taxes are so much more complicated in every country than memes like this ever capture. Second point is totally true, but who wants well maintained roads and hospitals?

[-] 10 points 2 months ago

I heard on the radio they hadn't kept the receipts. Theres an accountant at channel 7 with a growing migraine trying to locate which dealer supplied, which coke, on which night. The outgoings column is a coked up mess!


"The figures from the WA ScamNet report show why it's important for consumers to continue to 'practice the pause.' Whether it's taking time to consider whether a sale or offer online is legitimate..." commerce Minister Sue Ellery.

Okay, this reaction is understandable because, you know, self control is a thing. But the comment presented alone is essentially analogous to abstinence education as the only form of prevention offered to young people for sexual encounters. It won't work. The ministers job is to present other pathways to the stakeholders in this matter. The Minister has failed this time.


The new season has kicked off. I especially enjoyed the fun fact about Canopus, for all those whose imaginations live under two moons.


Link for W.E.Wood award for salinity reasearch,


Link for the competition for two tickets for first journey:

Kwinana's Clinker times (

This is one of those projects that just sounds so impressive. Inflate the skin, then build the structure around it. What smart cookie thought of that!

New digs cements education ‘hub’ (

This article really highlights why the university, and as it says, associated accomodation is the most exciting development for Perth city going on at the moment.

In my eyes Elizabeth quay, (an example of the other large project being undertaken in the city i can think of), is shallow, and unnecessary mimickery of a gulf state attitude "build-it and they will come". An aspiration that we don't need to have in WA, of course because 'they' are already coming.

There is nothing i can see in the Quay that adds meaningfully to the culture or growth of the city, whereas the University will have an ongoing culture, and the academics that are produced will be highlights of the cities productive creativity, creating a virtuous circle in a happy win-win situation for all involved.


That whole Piffaretti resignation and vote was such a waste of taxpayer funds.

Its nice what Sally Pamler has said about being mature and learning from the experience. I remember a few months ago there was an article with Eli Petersen-pik striking a similar tone.

But i haven't seen any signs from Mayor Piffaretti, (the chief beneficiary of the political maneuvering), that she wouldn't make a wasteful move like that again.


I'm a little late to the party on this event. Has anyone already seen it? Is it worth having a look?


Has anybody made it down to Cottesloe yet? The pensive man statue in this article looks pretty good.

[-] 9 points 3 months ago

I'm glad you've said this. For a harmonious society situations like this have to be treated reasonably equally.

But its such a silly thing to do for such a high profile personality like Kerr. Tje bastards will have a field day! If she actually said it of course, because she has registered her innocence, indicating she disagrees quite sharply with the cops interpretation of events.

[-] 11 points 3 months ago

Thats what Frodo said to Gaffer when he asked where he was going, "oh, just upshire."

He didn't trick old Proudfeet though, he knew Frodo was weavin porkies.

Turn back the tide (

WA government are considering the development of Port Beach/Leighton area. Here's an information pack for those interested.

Save Leighton Action Coalition, upcoming meeting on the 6th March:

Paul Gamblin write up:

Link for Podcast present Fremantle shipping news:

Image credit: Les Moyle, Image from Fremantle Shipping News.


The people of Kalamunda living up to their town motto yet again.

"A home in the Forrest"

[-] 8 points 6 months ago

This concocted nuclear energy debate, being pushed by the industry, is such a powerful reminder that while attitudes in aggregate can change across generations, the same propaganda previous generations fell for, future ones will also fall for.

This is analogous to 'clean coal'. The whole campaign rests on these technical truths that are cynically used to make sweeping generalisations about an industry in order to shape the good faith arguments and policy recommendations against the industry as radical and over-reaching to the casual observer.

[-] 9 points 7 months ago

This is why i like Lemmy, and less centralised, but robust, power structures in general. Right wingers can be on here, i'm sure theres a few somewhere. But their unsubstantiated claims aren't going to be coddled by a friendly platform or news outlet.

[-] 8 points 9 months ago

Blessed is the mind too small for doubt!

[-] 9 points 9 months ago

Alright, alright! I'll let you borrow my emu for the week.

[-] 9 points 11 months ago

I would like to drive around in one of these please.. in the front or back, i dont mind!

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