Doesnt the US have important deals and strategic assets re. Space industry and defense here in Aus? Why the heck aren't we negotiating these tarifs?
Looks like we'll get to see more of Action Saru next week 😁
Because humans introducing species to new environments always goes well 😩
Citizen scientists are amazing!!
For everyday general cleaning I listen to "clean with me" season 3.
*note, even if the non cleaning related time filling chat isn't that interesting, the structure of the show helps me to "get things done"
For decluttering/organising I recommend Dana K White on youtube/ her audiobooks.
Now that I have created the habit of cleaning to podcasts I can pop on a general podcast from time to time, but def still use the cleaning podcast weekly and if im in a slump
46minutes, kind of over it. Would love to hear a Klingon song
10 minutes in, Oh I like it!
Exactly! I've also been enjoying watching the special features on movies that you don't get on streaming. I guess my local library will be the last stronghold for physical media 5 years from now
Link still works in old reddit
😩 even just watching the rover dump samples on mars surface fills me with frustration. Where humanity goes, there shall be rubbish
👏 I've really got to get around to listrning to her audiobook. I've had it sitting in my library for too long.