[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Funding goblins from elitist high society university decide that money is still more important than academic integrity. What a surprising development that nobody could have predicted

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Quantum shitting through the n-th dimension

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago

Idk. I was in a highschool debate club a bit over a decade ago, and I was very good at the public forum event. Like, regularly in the top 32 for both the NFL and CFL national tournaments good. There were other people at the top of that ladder with me that made very effective use of the "pound the table" strategy, and how well it worked often boiled down to judge variance. People act that way in debates because it absolutely works on some viewers

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 11 points 1 week ago

I can certainly see it being a struggle for non native English speakers or English speakers from other cultures. Referring to women as females is one of those things thats accurate according to the language, but a lot of bigots have figured out that they can use common words as slurs and people are slower to catch on. Female is unfortunately one of those words; it evokes big "I see you as livestock" energy

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 18 points 3 weeks ago

Tolerance is a social contract. Those who abide by it are protected by it. Those who reject it are not

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 48 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Be on site military contractor

Told I'll be making infinitemoney.jpg

Actually make slightlymorethangs.jpg but with no pension

Tfw ptsd from analyzing combat footage

Tfw actively and daily shunned as "not one of us, just a dirty filthy contractor"

Tfw you can't get another engineering job because your entire portfolio is classified

Tfw when there is no mental health support or support groups available for aforementioned "just a dirty filthy contractor" reasons

Decide to go back to college instead of killing self

Check brand new school email

"Hi, my name is Sgt Fuckface! Here at the national guard we're looking for promising young graduates like you"

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

I hope you find what you're looking for bud.

The closest I've ever found to anything like that is just... hanging out in queer spaces. Online or in person. My experience is that they tend to be welcoming, and accepting of our difficulties and more willing to help explain things that don't make sense. I think there's also a reasonable amount of overlap between how to cope with being queer in generally bigoted areas and how to cope with being neurodivergent but surrounded by NT people who display varying levels of acceptance.

I bring that up because like... a lot of what I used to think was difficulty understanding myself was mostly caused by internalized ideas that I was lazy or useless or w/e other nonsense I've been called by people with no understanding of or sympathy for situations I find abnormally difficult. I assumed the way I am was wrong and i couldnt understand why i was more comfortable being wrong. Material in queer spaces isn't coded exactly for the negative ideas that are usually associated with ASD people, but the self affirmation messages are there

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago

I saw the who would win meme format with a centrifuge on the left and I was totally expecting a stuxnet joke

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 40 points 7 months ago

Gotta love that even the very emotional "men have feelings and need support too" post ends with "treat them as wretched because they are wretched." Absolutely fucking tonedeaf to bring that type of negativity and derogatory generalization about men to this context. Big "not all men, but..." energy

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago

That would entail admitting that climate change is real and that GQP mythos was wrong about something. Based on the way we handled covid, I wouldn't worry about most floridians migrating due to climate change

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

I admittedly didn't look too hard for that 121bil figure, your source seems much better than the "Google it and grab the first number I see" approach I used. I see 91.36B gross profit for 2022 in your source. That makes the 36,500,000 fine ~0.04% of their profits instead or the 0.03% I got at first, equivalent to a $20 fine on 50k profit. I think the rest of what I said is still valid with the new numbers. Thanks for keeping me honest!

[-] Gustephan@lemmy.world 27 points 11 months ago

100k/day (36.5 million anually) is ~0.03% of Meta's 2022 profits (121 billion). That's not a fine, it's barely even a tax. If you make 50k/year profit and the government gave you a similar fine, they'd be taking $15 from you. That sounds more like bribe money for Norwegian politicians than a good faith attempt to protect their citizens.

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