No worries! Thank you!
Great ! Thank you a lot !
From what I understood, it didn't just happened. A certain person knows things about him that he never told, or something like that.
Thanks for the suggestion, though. That's a nice idea.
It's an Android.
EDIT : A Samsung Z Fold 3 to be more precise.
I don't know, I don't have all the details. But people you trust today might not be worthy of trust tomorrow, I guess.
Great ! Thanks for all the infos !
Are the hidden tems missable ? Or I can get them later ?
If that's true, that's pretty lame 😓
I start playing the game again a week ago. In a mid size city in France, gyms got conquered by a new team almost everyday (in the inner city thought).
Er, okay. I didn't thought about that. That's lame, in my opinion.
Thanks for the info ! Do you know why people ask these impossible trades ? 🤔 Also, I think Pokemon Home really makes the Pokemon journey better overall.
Thank you ! I beat all the games story (not Let'sGo/ORAS/BDSP) but I never had any motivation to catch em' all. Thought, Arceus makes capturing easier and more fun that all the other entries. Plus the incentive made by incorporating the achievement of catching all Pokemon to fully complete the story worked on me.
Pokemon Home really help there, tho. It even made me wants to try to complete the Pokemon Home Dex. 🙃
I wish a new "Legends" too, exploring the past of other regions. More Pokemon lore is always welcomed.
I'm waiting for sale but I'll definitely pick it up !