[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 10 points 11 months ago

I would like more Internet please!

[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Thanks for the universal or localized or whatever you call it link (this thing !android@lemdro.id)

[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 1 points 1 year ago

My only feedback is the words choices here were, unfortunate. It comes across as the author found undesired demographics which felt not inclusive.

In my opinion this is not being nice.

I am a minority in some parts of the graph and a majority in others. Reading this left my feeling I wasn't welcome here which I have felt ever day before reading this post.

[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I hear you. My partner was in, what sounds like, a similar situation. Be gentle on yourself. It's a process. You likely know all the steps to take, keep taking them. There will likely be rejection along the way, it's not a statement or judgment on who you are it's just the process. You will make it to the other side and you will find succees and happiness. I know it!

[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 10 points 1 year ago

Love everything about this

submitted 1 year ago by HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org to c/news@beehaw.org

I can't seem to find anything in a sidebar or sticky thread that talks about the moderation / rules of the news community. I'm very interested in coming to this community to learn about news, but right now it seems whats being posted tends to be relatively low (lower?) quality.

Examples of common rules

  • Use the same titles as the article itself
  • No blog spam, link to the source
  • Political news, should go to the political community
  • No dupes of same topic

As an example, take a look at other news aggregators that focus on news.

My goal here isn't tell people what to do but its start a conversation on the topic.

[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

You have to want to let go. Not think you want to, but really want to. When you catch yourself starting to spin, acknowledge what is going on and stop. Your work will be there when you return, this particular vacation and time will never come again.

[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 1 points 1 year ago

I really miss my local city sub. It had barely any traffic but it would keep me in touch with certain events abs news.

[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

Very much this. Obsidian has a learning curve. It needs more than a day to get a feel for.

[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

Directing a local community theater production. Very small production, but it fills my heart to see them grow as an artist.

[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 13 points 1 year ago

Good enough. A very busy week, this week appears to be a return to a more normal level of busy. Some minor social engagements and the starting of a new art project by a loved one.

[-] HeapOfDogs@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

Just here to send love. You are not alone ❤️


I am a manager in a tech company and have a number of people report to me. One of my personal goals is on increasing diversity, inclusion and equity in the workplace. To be clear this is a goal I set for myself, not a goal coming from a corporation.

A little background on myself. I am a gay cisgendered man married to another gay cisgendered man and we have an adult child. I would say I have a relatively privileged life. I grew up in a safe area and in a stable family. I ended up in tech at a very young age and found success throughout my career. The area we live in is a liberal town, in a liberal city, in a liberal state, in a liberal area of the country.

I have known I was gay since I was a child. Came mostly out as a teenager and fully out as a young adult. I have never lost a friend because of being gay. I did struggle with my identity as a young person but eventually made peace with it.

Lastly the LGBT community that I grew up in is not the same as it is today. The community (read bars) was mostly gay and lesbian. Trans people were just barely on my radar. It wasn't really a topic anyone talked about. Intersex, asexual, pan-sexual and others were just not words I ever heard mentioned once.

What I realized was that even though I was gay, and had been gay for decades - I was actually relatively out of touch. As an example I recently purchased a sticker I like that said pride. I went to the cashier to buy it and they were all excited and mentioned the word "ace". I had no clue what they were talking about and smiled and thanked them. I came to realize the sticker had the colors of the asexual flag.

The reason I share that is to give everyone context on who I am. My question is this. What could your manager do to better support you at work? I'm open to stories, questions, experiences, what has worked / what hasn't worked. Really anything I'm at the start of my journey and very much in the learning phase.

To also be clear my goal is not limited to the LGBTQ+ community but this felt like a natural first step.

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