"b-but they're old! They have nothing to lose!"

"neither do you"

Yeah well at least Elon can enjoy whiteboy summer


text here

well yea, why do you think I post here

I'm not a tankie, I'm a nukie

uh uh asians are more conservative than wypipo

tell them to shut the fuck up and get off the stage bc their time is up

There's just much less curiosity and "awareness of what you're not aware of" these days

It's not just a computer problem at all it's everything

yea we're fucked

torrenting is a little bit more complicated than turning a light switch on

[-] Hello_Kitty_enjoyer@hexbear.net 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

"the russians are spreading misinformation in europe" or whatever. Which, sure, they do, how the fuck is there no talk about what to do of it?

The overly verbose "intelligent" liberals are deliberately used as controlled opposition by ruling class. They're just too dumb to be there on their own merits

Just take the pseudointellectual insufferables on the "left", feed them "anti-right" talking points, and since the points are deliberately written in insufferable way and communicated by insufferable liberals who are simultaneously too dumb to understand that points are deliberately written insufferably, it makes everyone who hears it turn more right--even actual left sympathizers

like that 79 F "heatwave" in terf island. World is burning but if you call every 2 F warmer-than-average day "global warming" people get skeptical of it and it's free ammo for reality deniers

kill all crackers

no you can't call things what they are, you need to add a bunch of pointless words to it

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Hello_Kitty_enjoyer@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net
  • white stretches are missing data
  • disappearance of green/yellow "cool"/"comfortable" zone in January mornings
  • disappearance of yellow "comfortable" zone from all mornings year round
  • appearance of dark red "sweltering" zones throughout Jan/Feb/March/April afternoons. This is at an avg relative humidity of 84%.
  • Lagos is also a coastal city, so the rest of Nigeria and interior Africa is even worse
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Hello_Kitty_enjoyer@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Obviously the mayo empire is one big multihemispheric sundown town, but the US manages to be worse than the rest, the rural areas manage to be worse still, and then within that there are still standouts even by rural standards.

Is there a map of the standouts?

edit: I'm also interested in east/west coast and northern sundown towns. Everyone kinda knows the entire mid US is a giant sundown zone


submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Hello_Kitty_enjoyer@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net

I skipped the years 2006 - 2017 to make the change look more obvious

I recommend viewing it full screen and glancing back and forth between different years

2002 was a freak hot year

In the 2000s you see a lot of yellow and green interlaced into the summer nights, and much less dark red.
You also see much more blue in the winters

It took only 18 years to get to this point (the difference between the median years of the two data sets), and since it's always faster than expected, we probably got ~9 years for the next equivalent amount of change, and then ~4 years for the next one after that, except it's probably even faster than this so ima say 3 years till the nukes fly

  1. How "planned" was the economy? What are some examples that demonstrate its "plannedness" compared to current states like China?

  2. Why did it fail?

  3. How good was the standard of living?

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