[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 0 points 5 days ago

It very much sci-fi fantasy. It's the tech level, availability, and the fact that universe used is literally a galaxy where people actually travel to other galaxies (using spaceships with some very fictional abilities). Kamino is in a minor galaxy that is close by and you see Luke and Leia on a ship with a unspecified galaxy out the view port in the background.

Other tech that puts it into sci-fi: controlled plasma blades, neurally connected prosthetics, bacta, droids, weapons with stun and kill, repulsors, reactors for personal ships, energy shields, hyperdrive, industrial cloning.

I'm sure there are other good examples as to why it qualifies as science fiction. If Star Wars isn't in a sci-fi genre, then Star Trek is a political drama.

[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 16 points 5 days ago

They don't need stealth apparently. They have gotten drones into that airspace.

[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 2 points 5 days ago

Shamu would have succumbed to a .308 to the brain pan. There ain't shit that is "to big to be killed", just those unwilling to do the killing.

[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 2 points 5 days ago

The only books there that have any real value are the philosophy books from authors who have been dead over a century. And even then you shouldn't use their ideas whole cloth.

[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 1 points 5 days ago

Wow, a talking pile of excrement. What fucking Republican shit you out?

submitted 1 week ago by HikingVet@lemmy.ca to c/pics@lemmy.world
submitted 1 week ago by HikingVet@lemmy.ca to c/pics@lemmy.world
submitted 1 week ago by HikingVet@lemmy.ca to c/pics@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by HikingVet@lemmy.ca to c/pics@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by HikingVet@lemmy.ca to c/pics@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by HikingVet@lemmy.ca to c/pics@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by HikingVet@lemmy.ca to c/bicycles@lemmy.ca
Send em. (lemmy.ca)
My break spot. (lemmy.ca)
submitted 2 months ago by HikingVet@lemmy.ca to c/bicycles@lemmy.ca
submitted 2 months ago by HikingVet@lemmy.ca to c/support@lemmy.world

The community !asexual@lemmy.world has one mod who appears to be inactive for about 8 months. I am asking to be instated as a mod, as I am an active member of that community.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by HikingVet@lemmy.ca to c/asexual@lemmy.world

Be aware!

[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 126 points 3 months ago

So Poutine wanted to weaken NATO, ends up adding countries, including one that has been neutral for an incredibly long time.

[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 222 points 4 months ago

Well, if they get the presidency, it could very well be. If they lose, let's fucking hope so.

[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 130 points 4 months ago

So he would trigger an article 5 incident to apease his ego? I hope one of is multiple cases gets him locked up. And I don't care where, as long as it means he isn't in office.

[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 137 points 4 months ago

Isn't allowing the porn industry to be able to use your hardware crucial for widespread adoption? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the fact that Betamax and HDDVD did this was one of the factors for their loss of market share?

[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 152 points 6 months ago

Not to kink shame but is this some sort of cuckold thing I'm too asexual to understand?

[-] HikingVet@lemmy.ca 127 points 7 months ago

The ruling would be better if they disqualified him like they were supposed to.

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