[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 1 points 3 hours ago

Isn't that a bar?

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 2 points 3 hours ago

Not since college.

After that, I had to help them out a few times.

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 3 points 4 hours ago

That's fine, but someone has to pay for it.

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 3 points 4 hours ago

Squatting is only legal over time.

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 4 points 4 hours ago

I responded to someone else, but there is a reason why Grey isn't a part of Nebula.

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 9 points 5 hours ago

Him and Kurzgesagt were helping to build an organization for YouTubers with the current CEO. The first talent signed on was Wendover and Real Engineering.

Grey and Kurzgesagt were rather inactive partners when they should have been more active and were trying to build a much more exploitative company instead of what Nebula became. It is vague on how they left, but they left and the company became better for it.

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 2 points 5 hours ago

Work because I use it at work for work reasons.

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 5 points 7 hours ago

I feel like, if they ditched the hot wings, it would still be a good interview.

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 28 points 7 hours ago

Buried into a lot of romcoms is a sense of fantasy. People don't fantasize about being poor.

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 15 points 8 hours ago

CGPGrey. I even listened to his podcasts.

For someone who tried to sell productivity tools at one point, he was very unproductive.

Also, given what happened with Standard and Nebula, I got to say I side with Nebula over him.

[-] HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club 3 points 10 hours ago

It is been a plan for a while in the USA to shift launches from government run to private run for over a decade. This is just an implementation of that strategy.

submitted 3 months ago by HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

This isn't meant to be a discussion on the morality of the embargo, but the affects of the embargo ending for both countries. These affects can be political, economic, or social.

submitted 4 months ago by HobbitFoot@thelemmy.club to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
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