[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 18 points 3 months ago

currently it's a loud and powerful minority that may pull us into civil war.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago

like it's not that hard. The US is not some special case when it comes to nation-states.

When the murder monkey hate spiral gets going, it keeps on murdering and hating.

if you believe otherwise, you are fooling yourself.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 39 points 3 months ago

anyone who doesn't expect a regime of brutal martial law to come out of a Trump administration is fooling themselves.

these people have already shown they don't care about law and order to institute their belief system on the rest of us.

what's going to stop them? congress? they'll kick out the Democrats because law and order mean nothing to them in their pursuit of power at any costs.

a full scale state-by-state civil war is increasingly likely.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago

the 'right wing' believes climate change is a hoax. you're struggling with a failed conception of 'both sides' politics. please receive a plot update.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 99 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

this means that if Unity sends you a bill, you don't have to pay it, and if they take you to court, you prove that you're acting within the terms of the license you agreed to, which keeps your lawyer fees to a manageable level because you already have all the documents you need: the contract and your source code.

I mean right? IANAL.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

We can do both but the existence of one old lucid person doesn't mean we shouldn't be avoiding 65 year olds holding onto power. They're demonstrably worse at politics: you can tell because a reality tv boomer bumble is dividing our country and we're in a frequently hot civil war with an actual insurgency targeting power plants.

All of these equivocators about the issue seem to fail to understand what has actually happened with mass boomer dementia. That needs to change. Learn the party line: 65 or over, no more governing.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago

This kind of idpol idiocy is dogmatic. It's not ableist to keep babies from holding office and old people degenerate into babies. It's not hard to understand.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 12 points 9 months ago

Too many supposedly autistic traits are present in neurotypical people. In my study of autism I've seen a lot of autistic chauvinism and I'm finding myself viscerally opposed to smug celebration of the challenges autism poses for the people who suffer from it.

Put bluntly, autism doesn't prevent autistic people from falling into line and propagating "civilized" dysfunction. I enjoy the quotes this article puts around "civilized" from the standpoint of delegitimizing social approval as anything but a convenient and easily misused fiction, but not if it is used as a prop for autists to feel as if they are in any way superior.

Pride in neurodiversity is one thing, but autistic chauvinism is dangerous.

Traits which are adaptive in some contexts are maladaptive in others. Traits which when paired with other traits are sometimes more adaptive than they are by themselves.

Traits which cause interpersonal conflict are traits which cause interpersonal conflict.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

is very fascist in of itself.

No. It's not fascist to have a firm and authoritative opinion. It is, perhaps, violent and authoritarian in outlook, but conservatives have just tolerated if not endorsed an insurrection under false pretenses and those conservatives have yet to kill the traitor responsible for it, so contemplation of violence is justified because this 'cold civil war' as Vivek called it is not going to end with that boomer criminal in power ever again.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago

Pence was on a pulpit, and he condemned Trump to the court system from it.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I don't think I shall commit to the insane proposition that humans use logic, rationality, and data to make decisions and inform their behaviors when climate change is currently killing the planet's ecosystems off. To some extent I think you've got a high bar to clear for that proposition to be accepted!

Jokes or half-jokes aside, it's not a new observation that people rationalize their politics after having decided what it is they feel. I've seen too much consensus reality with completely reasonable paragraph after paragraph to take reason all that seriously.

But I do believe that people are 'reasonable' in the way that you say: we don't go around doing things just because (and to the extent that we do, it's a good thing!). It's when a group of people gather around a list of reasons that become an ideology that I start to get twitchy.

Feminism is a great movement but men who apply it as an ideology have missed something fundamental about the basis for reason in the expression of emotion.

[-] Impassionata@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago

I know you mean well but you're like the person who makes suicidal tendencies more powerful because you want to shut all the windows in a burning building because you personally find falling bodies less aesthetically pleasing than burning ones.

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