[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 5 points 2 months ago

As someone who is an environmentalist and works in the bus industry this really heartens me. Public transit really needs to step up it's game in response to climate change and I'm excited for that.

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 11 points 6 months ago

Much better than expect. This has been the first year where we've had someone outside of our immediate family join us (my brother's girlfriend) and it's been very pleasant.

Going to start working my way through the Christmas ales I've been saving now!

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 4 points 6 months ago

In fairness, games are still something I'm willing to pay for and books. I think probably because Kindle and Steam are better user experiences than pirating those.

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 118 points 6 months ago

I used to have a moral objection to piracy, I thought that if a piece of media is good enough that I enjoy it then the people that made it deserve to be paid for their work.

I'm increasingly of the opinion that even if I do pay for something there is no guarantee that the people that worked on it will get their fair share and paying for media is increasingly a worse user experience than piracy.

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 5 points 8 months ago

It was to tell the reader that the mimic got out too. The same jagged seams as the first time it became a blanket

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 5 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I'm enjoying it. I've remembered that I'm terrible at building cities, but I'm having fun while coming to that realization again! Performance is mid 50fps with about 5000 people at 1080p with a 2080 super and a ryzen 3600x.

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 16 points 8 months ago

On day 8 out of 8 in a row at work. Got 3 days off starting tomorrow and Cities Skyline 2 to dig into.

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 5 points 8 months ago

Omg, they have an arm Linux version. That's going right on my Chromebook tomorrow!

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 11 points 8 months ago

Thank you for keeping on top of this Chris. I'm having a heavy week at work and I've not kept up with what's working and what isn't so your updates have been invaluable.

When I've got some days off I'm probably going to spin up a viewtube or invidious instance on either my home server or VPS and have done with it!

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

Sex ambivalent ace here, it has been pretty jarring each time a companion hit on my character. It does ask you if you are ok with sexual content and nudity when you first start. I said yes to both because it doesn't usually bother me in most media but maybe being a roleplaying game I feel more connected to the character.

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 9 points 11 months ago

Yes. Not taking into account anything except the output of the laser verses the output of the reaction.

[-] IndeterminateName@beehaw.org 6 points 1 year ago

Thank you for verbalising this, I've been feeling similarly. Like you I try to go back to the sources and read them often finding that the danger is being sensationalised by the media. Recently though I've seen a few papers where the findings have been much worse than is being reported and that worries me very much. I'm mostly able to only worry about things I have control over as others have suggested but the oncoming climate crisis is so encompassing and existential that I'm finding it hard to temper my worries.

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