[-] Jako301@feddit.de 11 points 21 hours ago

You are definetly in a bubble, even if its a pretty big one. Owning a pc is pretty much a prerequisite for going into comp-science or working in IT.

Out of all the 30 odd people I know of at my workplace, one other apart from me has a gaming pc, and two others have consoles. The rest doesn't play any games at all.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 2 points 21 hours ago

As a general rule, the goal is simply to assume control over the government, as is the case in Ukraine.

Yeah no, that's just plain wrong. Russia, at the very least, is committing cultural genocide if not much worse. Ukrainian families get broken up so their kids can be better indoctrinated.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 3 points 3 days ago

Nuclear is the worst possible option to fill said gaps. Nuclear reactor need to run at a mostly stable output permanently, they are slow to react to changes and can't be switched on or off at will.

You could use them to generate a stable base power level, but that's the opposite of what we need. It wouldn't change anything regarding the need of energy storage.

The best option currently as a gap filler is gas cause it can be turned on or off in minutes when needed.

Not keeping up with demand is a self-made problem. Multiple EU countries already have multiple days a year where they use 100% renewables.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 2 points 5 days ago

Tbh, that's something I can totally understand. Some programs use very obscure savefile locations, usually hidden behind 10 subfolders somewhere under your documents.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 36 points 5 days ago

You don't really prefer a lower resolution, you just work within the limitations you have.

Also, I don't notice much of a difference between 1080p and 720p

Either your display is really shitty or you need (better) glasses. This isn't like the difference between 60 and 144hz where its barely visible for untrained eyes.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 68 points 1 month ago

Proton upheld their claim of privacy, no Emails were disclosed. But they never promised anonymity cause that's something they simply can't do under the Swiss law. If you willingly give them your other mail addresses or contact details, they have to comply. Sure they could have denied the Spanish authorities, but it takes less than a week to get a court order for things like this.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 56 points 2 months ago

You can't, end of discussion.

The most that the city or the police can do is issuing them a small fine for the noise complaints. The only one with even an ounce of power here is their landlord, but then it depends heavily on your country/state.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 63 points 3 months ago

"Hardmode" is just a fancy name for blocking all 3rd party scripts, which there aren't even any to block here in the first place. What does happen is that two of the three Discord domains get flagged and blocked:

One is Discord.gg which is the Websocket to get and sent events, so it's needed for functionality.

The other is Discordapp.net which is pretty much their media server.

If you block all 3rd party scripts, frames and connections, then yes, your number of blocked items will shoot up into the hundreds. But if you knew what you are doing and just took a look at what was actually blocked, you would realise that it all was just requests for media and profile pictures. Even with fully enabled hardmode, there wasn't a single request from a 3rd party advertiser or data broker, not even Google.

Your arrogance for using hardmode is completely unfounded if you don't even know what it really is blocking. All you are doing is looking at a number go up and are patting yourself on the back for it.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 53 points 3 months ago

I'm not really sure what you did, but it certainly wasn't just opening discord.

I just tried it and there isn't a single third party script in the browser version according to Ublock and noscript, there are only three scripts activ in total, all from different Discord subdomains. Maybe a few more if there are media links in the chat.

If you look through the blocked connection requests they are also all made from the same source, namely the Discord science API, their internal data collector.

The Discord homepage has a Google integration and a few embedded YouTube videos, but it's hard to find a website that doesn't have some form of Google scripts.

Heck I don't even want to defend Discord here, but ia call bullshit on your story.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 173 points 3 months ago

You haven't worked in any customer support position, and it shows. The amount of slurs hurled at them is far greater than anything found in a few github comments.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 43 points 3 months ago

I hate the fact that you get tax writeoffs because you deny anyone the ability to view any media.

Since its essentially the taxpayers paying for a failed product, they should also be allowed to access it.

[-] Jako301@feddit.de 41 points 5 months ago

Nah, that one's legit. Nintendo does a lot of fucked up claims, but this is a 1 to 1 ripoff of their IP and models.

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