[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago

Not ascribing the worst motivations to something is quite different than "seeing their point."

I did address your second point. I said it was irrelevant.

I hope if someone starts saying something awful about you with no basis there aren't people who thoughtlessly "see their point" for no reason.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

A lot of people have a lot of stupid/bigoted opinions. Do you see all of their points too?

Your opinions of other shows are irrelevant to weather or not they have a valid point about this show.

That's enough? Someone says something, anything, and you see their point?

This is not semantic at all. I'm asking for one example from Star Trek that allows you to "see the point" of someone that says it's "woke," "pushy," "preachy," or anything else along those lines.

If you're unable to give an example you'll have to forgive people for assuming the reason is the mere existence of the characters that makes them feel that way and that allows you to "see their point."

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago

To see their point you don't need to agree with it but you do need to think there is some basis for it.

What is the basis for their point that allows you to see it?

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago

To see their point, you would have to think there is at least something to it.

Their, and your, inability to support that point makes it nonsensical to me.

Why do you see their point? What is at least one example of "woke(nees)" or "push(iness)" that makes your see their point? Or do you just agree with them on a visceral level that requires no explanations?

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 5 points 5 months ago

If you see his point you should be able to give one example of "preaching" other than the characters existence.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago

Here is one.

$99 no tools required. They go up from there but there is something available for almost any budget, even for people that don't have or are useless with tools.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)


From cheap to very expensive and everything in-between. Big resealable bags to get the per cup price down. Having a couple small canisters you can refill from the bags makes it so you don't open the big bags too often, if you did it every day it would probably get stale.

A very generous reward program that basically gets you 10% back.

And they always give me a few samples with each order. I've been turned on to some new stuff that way.

I usually get a few big bags of my staples (which are medium price) and some smaller weights of nicer stuff for when I want a really good pot.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

TF you talking about? You use the whole price of the asset for net worth. If your mortgage is $1 less than what you would get from selling it that's +$1 to your net worth.

If your house sells for 500k after expenses and you owe 300k you don't just get the 200k and still owe 300k. The lein holder gets their 300k and you get 200k.

My house is worth ~1.8mm and I owe ~140k, that's +1.66mm to my net worth. Even if I owed 1mm, I'd have +800k.

Unless the house is worth less than you owe, having a house with a mortgage isn't a negative to your net worth.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 4 points 9 months ago

If they're from a "boil your water" kind of place, they also probably order steak well done, so same thing.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

White paternalism is a form of racism. Are you one of those "the real racists are the ones calling out my racism" types?

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

So because the US has pulled a bunch of bullshit over the last several decades they shouldn't get involved when there is a real evil to fight? That's a boneheaded take. What if it was actual real Nazis? What if Nazis got ahold of a country in Europe and started invading and putting people into death camps? Should the US just say "I don't know man, we've fucked up in the middle east, south America, and southeast Asia so much we're just going to sit this out"?

Yes, western imperialism is bad. No, everyone opposed to western imperialism is not necessarily good.

Think of it as broken clock being right twice a day. Think of it however you need to. Russia needs to lose in Ukraine. And if that means the west gets a propaganda "win", that sucks but just deal with it. Western countries getting egg on their faces isn't worth letting Russia rape, murder, and steal.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

I am not conflating Nazis and communists. I am comparing you to a Holocaust denier because of your conspiracy theories about the existence of these places established to educate people about the well documented atrocities of the communist states. I didn't say they were as bad as the Nazis overall, I pointed out they happily used the cramped cells, torture implements, and kill rooms left behind.

It is very much not the exception in communism. I have been to almost every former Warsaw pact country and a few countries that were part of the USSR and these museums are universal.

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