[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 18 points 5 months ago

When was the last time there was a conservative president in the US who didn't cause tremendous lasting damage to the country?

[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 17 points 6 months ago

Camden NJ did, it helped, but they're still cops.

[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 13 points 9 months ago

I also played games off floppies, sure. And there were anti-piracy measures there too. I remember playing a pirated copy of Leisure Suit Larry as a kid, and you had to answer questions about pop culture kids wouldn't know, followed by specific questions about wording in the manual. Before CDs, manuals were the anti-piracy measure.

[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 17 points 9 months ago

The vendor lock in from AWS doesn't come from just using EC2 servers. EC2 is just linux servers, like you say. You could run them anywhere. In fact, if you're just running AWS EC2 servers without leveraging their other features, particularly auto-scaling, you're probably just setting money on fire. Everything EC2 offers can be done much cheaper at a different host.

The AWS lock-in comes when you expand to their other services. Route 53 DNS, Relational Database Service, Simple Email Service, etc etc. AWS offers a ton of different services that are quite useful, and they add new ones all the time. And if your company uses a bunch of them, and then realizes they need to leave AWS, doing so is incredibly painful. Which is the point.

[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 18 points 9 months ago

Spoiler: it fits very few company's business models. Some companies can avoid it, if their owners/board want to. But once they take venture capital, or go public, they lose that choice. And that "don't be evil" promise, and most any other, is void.

[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 13 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Right. I have boxes full of software I bought once, and I have the license to use it forever. But it's for Windows XP or older. I'd need emulators or WINE to run it now, and it's not really worth it. For some of it I even paid for a "lifetime" of updates, but that stops working out when they stop updating it. I apparently live a lot longer than 90s and 2000s software companies. Just let me pay for major versions again with a guarantee of updates for X years, and price it according to those expectations.

37Signals is the company that made Basecamp, and they talk about hosting the software yourself, so presumably they are writing web software that would often be SaaS and letting you host it. So it's great that you'll be able to get it for one time purchase. But it definitely needs updates, as libraries change versions, new security flaws are uncovered, obviously for bugs, etc. Buying web application software is only as useful as the length of the updates included. Them providing the source is better, but since that's not open source exactly a community couldn't really work together to continue updates themselves.

[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 14 points 10 months ago

This. After my first Android phone I had only gotten Nexus phones. I had a Nexus 6p when the Pixel was announced, and it wasn't going to have a headphone jack. I tried multiple dongles with my Nexus 6p, and none of them both reliably worked with my headphones and fast charged my phone. My wife ordered a Pixel, I ordered a Note 9.

I've gone Note 9, then a One Plus Nord v10, and now an Asus ZenFone 9. Every time a manufacturer ditched the headphone jack (or made it only available at ludicrous price), I just switched manufacturers. I don't even use a headphone jack that often, but when I need it I want it to be there and just work.

[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 19 points 10 months ago

The global south is largely a terrible place because of the wealthy north. Especially the US. First they had to throw off their colonizers. Then they had to suffer the punishments of their former colonizers. Then the US took it upon themselves to attempt to overthrow every socialist leading government in the western hemisphere, elected or not, and replace them with a dictator. Then in the Western Hemisphere the US War on Drugs have made Mexico, Central, and South America a war zone run by cartels.

So yeah, much of the world is much worse to live in than the US. Mostly because of the US. Western Europe is still a far better place to live.

[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 13 points 10 months ago

My solution is more complicated but doesn't require switching browsers

  1. I run a tor client on my home server in docker, the same place I keep my vpn access, torrenting, etc
  2. I run a socks proxy on my home server, that sends all requests through the tor network (and a different socks proxy for when I want to use the VPN)
  3. On my desktop and laptop, I use the FoxyProxy firefox extension (SwitchyOmega on Chrome). I setup the socks proxy (proxies) on it, using URL patterns.
  4. When I go to a .onion link, FoxyProxy uses the pattern, and sends the traffic over my tor socks proxy
[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 13 points 10 months ago

Someone played too much True Crime: Streets of LA

If there's a crime in progress in the area, let's say a little old lady getting mugged, you can either:

  1. Get out of your car, kung fu the assailant into submission, and handcuff them (you get good karma)
  2. Drive over everyone involved (you get bad karma)

Either way, you get points for it and the message "Crime successfully resolved"

[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 14 points 11 months ago

Recycling is a scam. Most plastic is never recycled, can never be recycled. Cans and glass might get recycled, but plastic just sits there until it disintegrates and gets in the water system. I still recycle it, but there's a reason that it was "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle". The first 2 are way more important.

So yes, the second best thing to do is to reuse plastic containers, and the very best thing to do is not buy a bunch more. In your pursuit of trying to appear wealthy, you are actively upset with your wife for trying to be environmentally conscious.

I see why this is your third marriage.

[-] JoeCoT@kbin.social 15 points 1 year ago

This. I was a redditor for 14 years. I was a moderator, I ran reddit meetups in Philly and Jersey. I have a badge on my profile for working with one of the admins 13 years ago to add /r/friends/comments, for use in a 3rd party app for Ubuntu (the kind that will now be dying). I was there for the Digg migration, Secret Santa, Global Reddit Meetup Days, Reddit Gold, Reddit Mold, Team Periwinkle, I was Snapped. I run a subreddit, different_sob_story, that was literally a meta subreddit about bad reddit posts.

Did I have a reddit addiction? Yeah, probably. But it was a large background in my life, for 14 years. If there's a famous reddit moment, I was probably there for it. I had 2 real life relationships, because of reddit. I made a good chunk of my real life friends through reddit. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

So yeah, it's a lot. And some redditors will get over it quicker than others. Bear with me; My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, And I must pause till it come back to me.

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