The lab is available to researchers 24/7, uses real human neurons and uses the Python programming language, creating a “dream bridge between biology and data scientists,” according to Jordan.

After accessing the provided login/password, researchers gain the ability to remotely send electrical signals to neurons and receive their responses. It is then the responsibility of researchers to devise optimal algorithms for controlling the behavior of the organoids.

Users can mimic memory function by using periodic electrical stimulation to reinforce synapses through repetition, thus making desired pathways stronger.

Researchers do this by training the organoids through a reward system. The organoids are rewarded with dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure (and addiction).

Meanwhile, as “punishment,” the organoids are exposed to chaotic stimuli, such as irregular electrical activity.

A live view of the biochips working in real-time can be found at www.finalspark.com/live.

Still think it's kinda neat, but with clearly disturbing implications.

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 54 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

This is actually not true. The use of AI media in the Chinese entertainment industry is just as pervasive and probably more so than the US, and Chinese universities and private firms are developing their own AI image/video generators at an equivalent pace to the Western firms. For example you have Chinese-developed SOTA DiT txt2img models like Pixart, Hunyuan and Lumina, and even SOTA video models like Kling. Tencent, Alibaba and Bytedance are putting out various models, optimizations and distillations in this space as well. Even back in April of last year, there were articles indicating a 70% decline in illustration jobs in sectors like video game development.


Very funny enshitification coming from OpenAI. In exchange for access to real time data, it looks like they're planning to bake in partner ads. Wouldn't be surprised if this becomes just as pay-to-play as Google search.

Details from the pitch deck

The Preferred Publisher Program has five primary components, according to the deck.

First, it is available only to “select, high-quality editorial partners,” and its purpose is to help ChatGPT users more easily discover and engage with publishers’ brands and content.

Additionally, members of the program receive priority placement and “richer brand expression” in chat conversations, and their content benefits from more prominent link treatments. Finally, through PPP, OpenAI also offers licensed financial terms to publishers.

The financial incentives participating publishers can expect to receive are grouped into two buckets: guaranteed value and variable value.

Guaranteed value is a licensing payment that compensates the publisher for allowing OpenAI to access its backlog of data, while variable value is contingent on display success, a metric based on the number of users engaging with linked or displayed content.

The resulting financial offer would combine the guaranteed and variable values into one payment, which would be structured on an annual basis.

“The PPP program is more about scraping than training,” said one executive. “OpenAI has presumably already ingested and trained on these publishers’ archival data, but it needs access to contemporary content to answer contemporary queries.”

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 61 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Smuggled/evacuated to where? To the Sinai where Sisi has erected concentration camps, or to Israel's ~~bombing site~~ "humanitarian" zone, or to the destroyed uninhabitable North? There is no where to go, and the resistance's infrastructure can't exactly shelter a million people.


Obviously done so Elon looks like less of a hypocrite in his quixotic OpenAI lawsuit. However, it is notable in that it's the largest LLM to date with open and commercially licensed weights (314B params). It's way too large for any consumer to actually run, but having direct access to a model this big may benefit researchers looking into safety and bias in AI.

  • Treat-brained? Check.
  • Invasive KKKolonist species? Check.
  • Loves violence but pleads naivety when confronted? Check.
  • Should not be let outside for their safety and the safety of others? Check.

I don't make the rules, but facts are facts.

kitty-cri-screm qin-shi-huangdi-fireball

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 66 points 4 months ago

I thought you weren't supposed to reveal that you have a network of spy bases. Isn't that the whole point of secret facilities? Motherfuckers are desperate.

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 58 points 4 months ago

It's a reference to Starship Troopers, which is relevant rn because a related game (Helldivers 2) got released and fascists can't comprehend satire.

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 52 points 4 months ago

Wow, they discovered the copium index.

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 54 points 5 months ago

If the US dropped the sanctions regime against the DPRK, I am sure that they would also compromise with western capital to facilitate investment/modernization like China and Vietnam did. Just like with Cuba, it is US intransigence and maintenance of war footing (the illegal blockade for Cuba, and the US military occupation of south Korea against the DPRK) that prevents cooperation.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

Due to a power issue, it looks like the lander may now no longer have sufficient fuel to make a controlled landing on the moon. This was the lander that was set to carry human remains to the moon despite objections from the Navajo nation. Hopefully, this discourages any future attempts at such a stunt, since instead of a permanent mausoleum your ashes may instead be stranded in orbit or scattered amongst the moon dust if the thing crashes.


Hey folks,

I've put out feelers before, but it's the new year and I wanted to look at offering to run some tabletop RPGs. Right now, I'm feeling pretty open system-wise (although would prefer the lighter-weight side of the hobby) and can help figure out schedule at some point. Also not necessarily looking for a long term commitment, but thought it might be fun to meet some folks and try out some games together.


Eclipse Phase is a d100 sci-fi/transhumanist/cyberpunk/post-apocalyptic/post-scarcity/horror RPG published by Posthuman studios. The game is a skill-based d100 game with some interesting dice mechanics and large trait and gear lists (think Shadowrun, but more streamlined.) The real draw of the game is its highly detailed and unique setting. The game takes place in the nearish-future (couple hundred years or so) after an uprising by super-intelligent AI led to earth becoming effectively uninhabitable and the development of new transhuman societies across the solar system. There are multiple campaign frameworks, but the most prominent/recommended has players as members of Firewall, a decentralized but secretive collective dedicated to protecting transhumanity from extinction (X-risks).

A key development, one that drives both the setting and character creation, are morphs. Transhuman society is defined by the ability to transfer the human (and other sapient) consciousnesses through digital means, allowing the transfer of minds between bodies. In the corporate-dominated inner system, this has lead to the enslavement of millions of "infugees" people who were unable to evacuate their bodies off earth, only transferring their minds which are now indentured to the hypercorporations storing them. As the principles of faster than light travel have not yet been worked out (it's possible through mysterious alien gates), travel throughout the solar system is often accomplished by far-casting one's consciousness into new bodies on far-away planets and stations. This means that players will end up switching morphs throughout the campaign (as well upgrading into morphs to better fit the needs of their mission). While this was pretty darn complex in the 1st edition of the game, the 2nd edition streamlined the process immensely, along with other aspects of the game, mainly by introducing metacurrencies separate from the core skill system. While there are plenty of different morphs, ranging from non-mechanical bio-morphs, mechanical synths, and hybrid "pods," I wanted to highlight the uplifts (unfortunately, support for neo-whales is not in the core rulebook 😿).

Overall, the game is very crunchy, but not as bad as Shadowrun. The authors are anarchists/socialists of some variety (I don't dig too deep into these things), and the anarchist and socialist factions in the setting are written as the good guys. The entire game is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, so game materials are actually 100% free/legal to share (DM me if you want a copy).

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net to c/ttrpg@hexbear.net

Mausritter is an OSR/NSR game in which you play as mice going on adventures (and often delving dungeons for treasure). While Mausritter's inventory is derived from Cairn (which derived its system from Knave), I have a soft spot for the Mausritter inventory slots based on how they fit nicely on the character sheet. I think this sort of inventory system is great for players learning how to play TTRPGs since it's so tactile and presents you with your tools in a clear manner. The conditions are also interesting, in that they steal inventory slots. Once you start accruing conditions or treasure, you have to make the decision whether to discard items, or to be encumbered and be at extreme risk from traps and ambushes.

The game is free at itch.io: https://losing-games.itch.io/mausritter

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net to c/ttrpg@hexbear.net

Thirsty Sword Lesbians (TSL) is an award-winning (ENnies 2022 Best Game & Product of the Year) implementation of Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) to a genre of queer romance and swashbuckling adventure. Written by a transfem author, the game forefronts safety and queer identity/liberation. A lot of games these days have sidebars noting available safety tools, but TSL actually integrates them into the game rules, encouraging their use and the active discussion and check-in when it comes to boundaries. The "No Fascist" rule is also quite useful, because it makes said fascists out themselves immediately by complaining about it.

Mechanically, the game is the first great fantasy PbtA game I've read. Dungeon World is retrograde in its implementation, The Sword, Crown and the Unspeakable Power is too conservative a hack visa-vi Apocalypse World, and Fellowship is interesting but also quite rigid. TSL takes a lot of inspiration from other high-quality PbtA games like Masks (conditions) and Monsterhearts (strings). The game's core moves are well designed, and the playbooks are top-notch. Each playbook has a unique mechanic and points towards potential emotional arcs, which is helpful for keeping the players invested in their character's growth. I think that the some of the included settings/adventures are a bit corny, but the game is actually pretty adaptable to a wide range of fantasy settings.

As another note, if you contributed to the itch.io TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Texas! bundle last year, then you already own the game (it may have been in other bundles as well.) https://evilhat.itch.io/thirsty-sword-lesbians

EDIT: Also at the itch.io link there are plenty of community copies, free to anyone who can't afford the book.


Electric Bastionland is a game by Chris McDowall, author of Into the Odd (a pretty influential OSR game). One of its key selling points are the Failed Careers (equivalents to classes or kits). In Electric Bastionland, every character has a failed career (and a colossal debt), which helps explains why they'd be willing to risk theirs lives delving dungeons in the pursuit of treasure. Of the of the most fun (but also saddest) failed careers is the Good Dog.

Electric Bastionland also has a novel setting, one that I've characterized as "anarcho-Fabian," and basically a satire of democratic socialism in Britain. The city of Bastion (the only city that matters) has no (known) central authority, and is instead run by autonomous borough councils. Anything necessary to live can be gotten for free (free housing, free food, free healthcare), but in the British tradition it's all of poor quality and takes forever to queue for. Almost everyone is in a union, the concept of unions has devolved into either social clubs or secret societies. In general, capitalism runs amok, and with the frontier completely exhausted (every other city and nation has been destroyed by Bastion or has been completely hollowed out by emigration and market forces), capitalism has turned inwards to increasingly surreal hyper-exploitation at home.

Anyways, the game is fun and pretty easy to play. There's only so much mechanical depth, but it's great for short campaigns and for running dungeon crawls.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net to c/ttrpg@hexbear.net

Other than the art itself, the Calendar of Nechrubel is probably the "killer app" for Mork Borg. It is a countdown clock on your entire campaign, and the random nature leads to layering miseries that add complications to your continuing misadventures.

Despite Mork Borg's pitch-dark aesthetic, it's basically a (dark) comedy game, too miserable and grotesque to take seriously. Everything is a bit tongue-in-cheek, and the result is a solid game with a great and expansive fan community. Mechanically, it's not that special, but the aesthetic is really fun.

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 54 points 10 months ago

I don't understand the logic here. When the putsch occured and then ignomously fizzled out, I saw Putin as weak for letting Pringles walk out with a (relative) slap on the wrist. Taking Prigo out of the picture was overdue. Obviously, anyone would feel threatened by an semi-autonomous mercenary army, so removing its leadership and breaking it up is just a rational course of action that probably should have been done sooner from that POV

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 53 points 10 months ago

You see, brigading is when content that I am interested in is algorithmically prioritized in my feed and I interact with it. The more algorithmically prioritized the content is, the more it's an inorganic brigade.

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 67 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)


I'm obviously biased as an accursed tankie myself, but looking at this thread:

  • 1.) The article wasn't even posted by a hexbear user.
  • 2.) The level of discourse seems to be pretty level between hexbear natives and other users.
  • 3.) The failure of the US to fight illicit opium production in Afghanistan, despite it being a public aim of the US and its allied government in Afghanistan, is well documented. Just doing a quick look, here's a New York post article (I know, I know, but it's well sourced, and certainly not leftist): Why the only winner of America’s war in Afghanistan is opium . It cites the Afghanistan papers and a variety of US and Afghan officials, and illustrates a timeline on how every program implemented by the US to combat opium production only intensified cultivation. The success of the Taliban government in cracking down on it despite far more limited resources suggests either gross incompetence or malice on the part of the US government.

EDIT: I will also point out that the harshest criticism of the US here is from a user from your own instance. That wouldn't even be allowed on hexbear, so glass houses.

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 61 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Less than 10% of Native Americans can speak their native language. How many Uighers and Tibetans can speak theirs?

Have you been to a reservation? I remember one that we drove through in Arizona, the Hualapai. It wasn't just a desert, but a salt flat, utterly devoid of vegetation. Along the road, you had dilapidated pre-fabs, occupied of course by the victims that had been placed here. Not all reservations are as harrowing. I've visited the Navajo Nation, as well as Lakota and Ute reservations. Poverty is intense, and people do the best they can, but the reality is that these people had their lands stolen from them and were forced to the most marginal places in US, unsuitable for much agriculture and barely suitable for ranching.

There is no healing in these places, rather the victims of genocide are constantly blamed for their own poverty by the settler communities stole their land. The native peoples were devastated by covid due to the lack of healthcare resources as well.

Let's look at the Black American community as well. It was just 3 years ago that the US had its largest protest movement in history against the police killings of unarmed Black men. And what was the response by the government and media? After a moment of groveling, to take back all promises of reform and instead funnel even more money to an increasingly militarized police force, and to engage in a panicked sensationalized crime wave reportage. Police killings continue (1 in 20 homicides are perpetrated by the police), and the economic situation hasn't improved much for Black Americans since the Great Recession lead to a massive seizure of Black household wealth.

The situation in the US isn't healing, it's an oozing pustulate sore. There has been a failure to reinforce voting rights, and anything like reparations, even just targeted relief, is considered a joke and a non-starter in the halls of power. The only healing is in the minds of libs that think that donning Kente cloth and watching Black Panther constitutes absolution.

This of course is to say nothing of the murderous wars waged by the US in Iraq, Laos, Vietnam and elsewhere, and the genocides it co-sponsored in Guatamala and Indonesia. Or the general neo-colonial global financial mechanisms that lock the third world into permanent debt traps and underdevelopment.

[-] JohnBrownsBussy2@hexbear.net 49 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

To be fair, it's not like there was any sort of coordination or plan. We've been complaining about how Lemmy's current active algorithm tends to promote these sort of comment-intensive, days-long threads before federation, and now a chunk of the fediverse gets to experience the fun of a patented Hexbear struggle session. Hopefully the Lemmy devs can tune the algorithm to discourage this sort of thread getting stuck in active which thereby encourages protracted struggle.

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