[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 20 points 1 week ago

I once read a pretty good write up somewhere on Reddit with proof that they were getting reasonably large financial support from the daughter of an oil baron, and it's unclear if she supports the left or right.

On the other hand, a friend of a friend was arrested at a just stop oil rally in Manchester, UK a few months back, and I know him well enough to absolutely believe he thought he was doing what was best for the world, although I'm unsure if he'd deface anything.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 26 points 1 month ago

Infact we should go out of our way to swear because it's the fucking advertising companies that pedal the ad friendly, PG internet and if you don't support that, you're harming their ability to advertise by swearing.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 26 points 1 month ago

Some people argue that it would be harder to count on your fingers but we could just surgically give everyone more?

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 23 points 4 months ago

Because the quality of Disco Elysium comes from it feeling like a piece if art that stays with you, it is absolutely written by left leaning writers but it's mature and elegant in it's storytelling tbaf happens to revolve around those ideologies.

Call of duty is a for-profit propaganda tool of the US government that is rimarily a multiplayer arena shooter designed to optimise profits due to gaming addictions while passively normalising American world police imperialism.

Apologies for any typos I wrote this while drunk.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 22 points 5 months ago

I really doubt Hasbro are looking to sell it unless they're planning to shut their doors too. To my knowledge they have two profitable IPs, Magic the gathering and Dungeons and Dragons. D&D is also a strong brand but people don't need the brand to enjoy the game. If the designers aren't appeased, they'll just leave and make their own D&D clone. It's happened before and it's currently happening now.

Also the repeated use of only referring to the game as DND in the article is very odd, nobody calls it that maybe DnD is ok but not in a professional setting where either Dungeons and Dragons or maybe D&D is the standard. It sets off my hearsay alarm massively.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 22 points 5 months ago

It's sad to say but Photoshop smokes basically all of its competitors except the ones that get into a specificic niche, but even then stuff like illustrator and lightroom compete well in that marketplace.

Photoshop may not be FOSS but it may as well be considered free due to the rampant piracy. I frequently recommend it forgetting it's a subscription based Ad*be made product.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 24 points 5 months ago

Like Club Penguin.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 26 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

In my setting I dropped darkvision for dwarves because I wanted to make it scarce, but even the dwarves that don't study light or dancing lights use their many lighting inventions that were developed for underground exploration such as flairs and glow sticks, and gas lighting for their main settlements.

I also gave them all spiderclimb just because I like the way that fucks up how they'd build those settlements as down is only a necessary direction to know when you drop something, even their tankards work at all orientations and are basically sippy cups.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 21 points 5 months ago

Gnomes would make those folding fabric camping chairs with the cupholder in the arm

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 26 points 6 months ago

I still say gopiss girl on a weekly basis when someone leaves to pee, and I think that meme was probably 4 years ago by now.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 24 points 6 months ago

One of my saddest days was waiting to cross a road and a car stopped Infront of me with it's passenger window open and a big Labrador hopped up and was face to face with me.

I excitedly asked the owner if I could pet the dog, as it was literally delivered to my face and she said no like it was a weird request. Thats stuck with me for half a decade already.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 23 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Honestly it's all an abstraction anyway but I absolutely would not bring my chompers to a knife fight.

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