I don't even think I'm an NPC. I'm more the part of the HUD that flashes 'press X' when other people get near interactable objects.
I can't get deep into the search right now, but you can check the big overviews. It's called the 'Hygiene Hypothesis' and it's been a topic for quite a while. Some interesting articles that will get you in the general area are about some specific allergens, microbiome influence on allergens, and this one I can't find a link for right now, but look up the research on Finnish children who became politically separated from their close relatives by a political border (when the USSR and the 'western world' became contentious and the flow of people became stymied). That one is particularly interesting because you have three populations: the USSR folks at the border (a rural area), the Finnish folks at the border (a rural area), and the Finnish folks away from the border in the urban areas. If I remember correctly, the Finnish word for autoimmune disorders has literal translation of 'clean house disease' or something similar.
What makes the border research interesting is you have two 'western medicine' groups split by the rural/urban divide and a rural 'other' category to compare to. I can't remember if they had issues and couldn't include the USSR urban group, or if it was too great of a divide genetically/diversity-wise to include to accurately compare without adding a third condition.
sometimes nvidia drivers are in a state that breaks display reinit on wake from sleep
Hmm, got a question for you about that. What did that appear as for you? Just a black screen and nothing else if it went to sleep?
I had a recently installed app fuck something in my settings so my display is going to sleep after 10 minutes, and when I wake it up I get a normal appearing lock screen with a login. If I login, the screen goes black and all I can see is the mouse cursor. I think about 1 time in 10 it will have no issues and I get back to whatever I'm doing.
I didn't start with manjaro, but it was the only one that seemed to play nice with my system and programs out of the five or so I tried. I've never had an issue with it after 2 years, so... eh?
Cue the new fun: when in a meeting, quietly whisper Dovahkiin, and have your friend shudder a little and rattle the desk.
Well, I love D&D for it's ability to pull off dungeoneering (and even though I didn't like it the most, 4E was definitely the most streamlined, fight me), WoD because the books are so freaking amazing to read through (seriously, the little vignettes are bone-melting good in the core books), and shadowrun because it predicts well (super sad face right now), but none off them can hold a sock in terms of 'fun' to my favorite.
FATE. It's beautiful. From the very onset of character creation it gets the group working in a collaborative fashion to build a story. The way it handles action scenes is at the very soul off old anime and hero fiction where saying "I believe I can win!" and then changing the win condition by kicking over a scene prop to give you a beautiful bonus... I love it. Using your character's main description in an inventive way by twisting the meaning (and being encouraged to do so!) is just classic hand-holding-leading you to think creatively without explicitly guiding you to be more creative.
Some of it is a little too much, browsing all. I think I once saw an account with a dude and a very ugly sex doll.
We stand on the shoulders of giants. I don't know how many of us repeated the experiments in our chemistry textbooks to prove that what was claimed was correct. A few piddling things here and there, but when did I get to build a nuclear bomb?
current evidence suggests that your body has to re-learn what’s good and what’s bad almost from scratch
While that's horrifying, I wonder if it could offer a glimpse into ways to get rid of allergies.
That's always how it starts...
I mean, how zany can we get?
Just have old man potter bribe some federal officials to investigate the money handling at the savings&loan, and the honesty of george and friends will put them in the hot seat.
Decision point (1): (A) George becomes depressed again OR (B) George gets angry
If (A), good ole clarence has to come back because his wings are in jeopardy. Unbeknownst to the audience, but revealed throughout the movie, is that clarence wasn't very successful in his other assignments. If he can't save his first mission from reversing course, his wings are going to be ripped off and he'll be cast from heaven. He didn't sin, so he won't fall to hell, but limbo is a terrible place to be for eternity. This creates a good and proper tension in him that causes haste to make waste, and leads to cascading issues with his own rising fears.
If (B), george starts turning the town into proper bank-hating lads and lasses, gearing towards a showdown with the moneymen of the government and mr. potter's private army, bolstered by the townsfolk who can't get it into their head that potter wants them to be nothing more than slaves that slurp up the slop that trickles down from his ownership of all the land, factories, and businesses. A full on riot/revolution is just too much death for heaven to stomach, so down comes clarence to right the course. The problem? Clarence pretty much agrees with george on the causes, but isn't able or willing to have violence be the answer. As he desperately tries to head off the rising tensions in town (mostly between the peons lining up for george or potter), his angelic self realizes just how fucked the human race has become (let's not make george's side entirely angelic here, which my bad description sort of give the impression of), and starts to question why angels like him must come down if it always turns out like this. Perhaps the climax of the movie would be clarence trying to stop the true 'big battle' from beginning by revealing his angelic self and wings, and one or both of the sides just don't care.
Big themes for both would be how the subversive nature of man can't be arsed to follow some heavenly plan, and of course the love of money (potter's sin, but have the feds and their desire to uphold proper laws be a counterpoint to it just being about greed) being a primary driver for human suffering.
Notably, though, not from anyone really in a leadership position. Where's Biden calling a governor and asking him to help him out, just a little? Where's the senators and party board screaming about it?