hollowed out wooden dildos
I don't think the Cage likes being referred to so blandly...
hollowed out wooden dildos
I don't think the Cage likes being referred to so blandly...
I once had to help an ass that had either been dumped or escaped and ended up at a park until the animal wrangling guy came. It was the sweetest creature I could ever imagine. All it wanted was to stand next to me and lightly push its head against my arm until I gave it pets and scratches. One of the best 30 minutes of my life.
stealth archer to the nth degree
There are some good reads out there about invisibility in the fantasy worlds. I think one of the 3.5e splat books had an entire section dedicated to it (and I can't find it right now, super annoying). Most enemies, from the lowest tech bandit gang to a king's treasury, will have some idea about how to deal with it, because they live in a world where it happens, gets routine gossip on, and they've probably heard some strange creaks in the night (a tree branch, really) that they just know was an invisible demon creeping around when they were a vulnerable child...
It isn't really raining on your characters' parade to have the people in the world they live in expect things that go on in said world. Businesses and commonfolk alike have likely worried about everything from teleporting frog-polymorphing wizards to hell portals opening in their back room, and probably have some idea about what they think they would do.
Doors at night would have ceramic bowls stacked next to them, windows might have small screens or strings that need to be cut, any guard that is part of a decent organization will have resources stored somewhere to counter it (faerie fire or more 'out there' ideas like create water). I don't know about your edition, but 3.5e had specific checks that would tip off people that something is around. The sound of an imp's wings alone is going to be heard anywhere other than a raucous tavern (if you've ever heard a bird or bat flying by, imagine something 10x as heavy with leathery wings), because it isn't a superb owl, after all. Even mundane things would add up. Imagine the classic bell that rings when someone enters through a shop door. It was never intended to be an 'anti invisibility' thing, but it sure adds thematic drama to the affair.
The others have already answered, but I'll leave you with this nice summary, and a link to the best source of law info for the commonfolk in america there is.
If they can somehow prove that the arrest or search was illegal, that’s a huge deal and will get a ton of evidence tossed or even the whole trial nullified.
I can nearly guarantee you that one of the courts, whether the current court or a later appellant court, will weasel their way to saying that the evidence being used would have been found anyway (the second exception), and thus won't get thrown out even if they admit to the search being illegal.
One that's big enough to cuddle us. They also should get along fine in the increasingly small environments we are being shoved into. Having a newly domesticated animal that is limited to the ultra rich with giant estates is pointless, right? Bonus points if we can make it an environmental win as well.
Just about everything 'big' fails at being in an apartment though. Big cats, even the smaller ones among them, need more room. Same with bears, moose (cooool, dudes, am I right? Imagine lounging with a moose), elk, whales, dolphins... bah.
My idea, then? Giant birds. Big enough to lay on you when on the couch, but could be let loose to fly around while you're at work. It would take an incredible amount of domestication to get them to go and come back, but if we're talking hypotheticals and theoreticals and blue fantasy, I think giant birds would be the way to go. Take your pick of them. The steller's sea eagle and especially the phillipine eagle speak to me, but I wouldn't turn my nose up at a swan, a goshawk, or a red kite. Feed them well at home, pretend that during the domestication process we made the nesting area easy to clean, and imagine being able to set it loose on stupid fascist leaders.
Maybe it's just with me, but stolen blanket syndrome never has anything to do with the size of the blanket. I've had floor-to-floor size blankets that still somehow end up entirely on one side (and the floor on that side).
I'm morbidly curious whether she was actually cheating on him with the dude who got the picture. Was it a horrible feeling of realization on the receiver's otherwise blissful friday evening? Was it guilt? Was it that creeping trauma that won't be understood until years later because of one insane dipshit's rage?
Those poor fucking kids, man. I can't imagine myself at the age of five thinking my parents were anything but perfect.
Don't pigeonhole me like that! I realized after 100 hours!
... I realized it after 1k hours, also, but I realized it at 100 hours...
Glad I'm not the only one who did a double take for duplicitous.
Your original comment isn't that far off, though. Donkeys are often kept with other animals because they can be ornery and mean as fuck, killing predators that come near where they're being corralled. They're known as the rural alarm system for a reason.