
joined 2 years ago
[–] Krono 21 points 10 hours ago

Liz Cheney is a disgusting figure that has, time and time again, defended the indefensible. She has no honor; her words may ring true but they are hollow.

Liz Cheney is a torture advocate, warmonger. and anti-Muslim bigot.

[–] Krono 28 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Americans see protest as pointless right now.

Americans have seen a generation of peaceful protests that were crushed and villified. Anti-WTO, Anti-Iraq War, Occupy Wall Street, George Floyd, etc; all failed to achieve any of their stated goals.

And now that the fascists have taken control, peaceful protest is even less effective. For peaceful protest to succeed your opponent must have empathy, and fascists have none.

The last protest movement that accomplished something substantial was the civil rights movement. It was not peaceful, it was militant. I think we need a modern Black Panther Party.

[–] Krono 11 points 19 hours ago

Launching a $2 million dollar missile and crushing a few children to death should also be sensational.

Unfortunately here in America that's just another Saturday.

[–] Krono 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Have you actually tried to do this?

Personally, I've tried to reform the democratic party from the inside for the last 20 years, and I've given up, I think it's a foolheardy endeavor.

Corporate interests are thoroughly entrenched in the party at every level. The democratic party has set up so many structural hurdles that make it nearly impossible for a progressive challenger to have a shot.

Take a small example: when I was volunteering for two different local progressive challengers, they both had extreme difficulty doing basic campaign things like printing flyers, road signs, pamphlets etc. Why? Because the Democratic Party has a explicit policy of blacklisting any vendor who aids a progressive challenger. No print shop would print our flyers.

There are so many structural hurdles like this set up by the Democratic Party, I would encourage you to volunteer and find out how bad it is for yourself.

[–] Krono 6 points 5 days ago (4 children)

And how do you propose we wrest control of the Democratic Party from its corporate overlords and put the power in the hands of the working class?

Seems about as farfetched as a new party imo, but I'd love to hear a realistic plan.

[–] Krono -1 points 1 week ago

I understand that questioning your liberal worldview can be painful, but thought-terminating clichés like "whataboutism" do a disservice to rational discussion.

It is not whataboutism to discuss how Trump's illegal actions are enabled by his predecessors' illegal actions.

It is not whataboutism to point out the Biden administration routinely circumvented the Leahy Law in order to continue the genocide in Palestine.

[–] Krono 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

The major political parties may have only changed names once, but the most common stance in modern political science is that we are in the 6th political party alignment in US history.

  • Centralization 1796-1824
  • Jacksonians 1828-1852
  • Republicans 1856-1892
  • Progressives 1898-1928
  • New Dealers 1932-1972
  • Neoliberalism 1980-Present
[–] Krono 31 points 1 month ago (5 children)

I think United Healthcare is a glaring omission from this design.

Should replace cardinal healthcare (market cap $30b) with UHC (market cap $450b) imo

[–] Krono 14 points 1 month ago

It looks inhospitable because of the water apartheid.

Israel and its settlers take the lions share of water resources, leaving Palestinians with barely enough to survive.

Water is so scarce and precious that nearly every Palestinian home has a rooftop water tank. Water for aesthetic things like plants or lawns is a luxury.

Parched: Israel’s policy of water deprivation in the West Bank

[–] Krono 4 points 1 month ago

We bombed them back to the stone age, then we cut them off from the rest of the world.

And now we point and laugh at them for being backwards, without any sense of history or responsibility.

[–] Krono 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I'm not sure the best place to post this, but I would like to say I do regret this comment.

My honest intention was to make a provocative post that would generate a discussion on ethics and morality in the age of Luigi and Elon. My intention was to lay out a hypothetical scenario "if anyone wants to become a hero.." but with sober hindsight I now see how my words could be misconstrued into a call for violence, and that is deeply regrettable.

I was recently prescribed a new muscle relaxant for my rheumatoid arthritis, and I mixed it with a couple alcoholic drinks for the first time. The result was not some drastic change, but I did become unfiltered, sloppy, and inaccurate with my words, and I will not be making this mistake again.

In the future, I do intend to continue making provocative comments, but I am committing myself to no longer discussing violence in this context.

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